misc ;; icon meme

Mar 20, 2010 14:09

☄ the ICON CONCRIT meme ☄


    ☄ Leave a comment to the entry with your username, where you post your icons (please include your tag if it's a multiple-maker comm) and five-ten (5-10) examples of your icons.
    ☄ Link your thread wherever you want, using the ~shiny coding.
    ☄ People will reply with that they think you need to work on.
    ☄ Return the favor.
    ☄ Profit. Learn what you can do to make better icons!


    ☄ Keep all wank/drama away from this meme.
    ☄ If you have personal issues with an icon maker, this is not the place to bring it up.
    ☄ Only comment if you have something nice/constructive to say. Don't comment saying that their icons suck.
    ☄ Just play nice, kids. It's not that difficult.
    ☄ If you take any of the icons that are posted as examples, be sure to give the correct credit!


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