(no subject)

Jan 15, 2009 22:04

Blessed Winter Solstice to Everyone!

I'm back in Framingham with my brothers. Lucas was at the tail end of a stomach bug yesterday, poor guy. But today he was up and creating chaos! We had snowball fights, built a snowman that looks like Lovelace from Happy Feet, and Brian gave me a crash course in Yu-Gi-Oh. The little twit is kicking my ass! To anyone that understands what I'm talking about, I say "CURSE YOU BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON AND YOUR 3,000 LIFE POINTS! CURSE YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU!!!" ::ahem:: I will build a better deck tomorrow.

I'm already giving myself a "reading list" for break. I'm going to FINALLY read my copy of "Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters" and I WILL read my book of essays on astronomy. Perhaps my biography of Marie Curie as well.Yay science!!!

And, of course, I am working on my picture book queries. I'm still working on the title for my latest WIP.

Other than that... 9 Days to NYC!!! The glee abounds!!!

Three days until Christmas Eve! Four days to Christmas! 17 Days until Little Christmas!

I love the holidays. I love snow. I'm just a happy person right now. I hope everyone else is happy as well!!!

Edited to Add: My senryu was just accepted for publication in "Acorn Haiku!" ... And I'll even get paid for it!!! YAY!!! I'm a paid poet... again! :)
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