Room 122 - Saturday Early Evening

Jul 01, 2006 17:06

Veronica was pacing her room. She'd gotten a handwavy call from Bel as soon as he was done in detention and he'd told her about the binding spell. That, coupled with the other information people had found over the last few days, seemed to prove that they needed to do something and soon to keep worse things than ghosts from hitting Fandom.

She and Bel agreed to handwavy call everyone they knew that had been working on the issue and have them meet in her room to figure out a game plan.

[if you think you should have gotten a call, you did. if you're not sure, you can say you stopped by because you knew from V's broadcast that she was involved in getting rid of the ghosts and you wanted to see what was going on. or you can set up a handwavy call with another character involved, I don't really care. if you want to be here, you're welcome.]

[ETA: comment notifications going off, omg. ping me on AIM if I miss a tag!]

room 122, ghosts

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