East Attic - Sunday Morning (NFB)

Apr 09, 2006 11:12

Veronica was wide awake and laying in bed thinking about how much had changed in the last week.

She was still worried about Marty, Lilly, and Nadia after last Saturday. Hell, she was still worried about herself, though she had put on her best happy face and tried not to think too much about what had happened. Except she hadn't done too well with the whole not thinking about it thing and had decided that it was time to take drastic measures.

Naturally, because things in her life could never go easily, someone had to go and attack Allie Cameron at the exact same time Veronica was asking Bel to kill Logan's dad. When Weevil told Veronica about the attack and described the attacker, Veronica couldn't even begin to describe her emotions. And when she heard that Bel had been arrested, she started to worry that he would name her as his alibi and she would be forced to confess what she had done.

After Phoebe stopped by to see her, she wasn't sure if she felt better or worse about the fact that Bel hadn't spoken up.

She made up her mind Friday afternoon that she was going to find some other way to prove Bel was innocent so she could keep her secret. Unfortunately, she must have caught Logan's flu from the other day, because she had spent the last day and a half in bed, weak as a kitten.

But now she was feeling better and she had things to do. She just hoped that she could find something because coming forward was the last thing she wanted to do.

[ooc: will be link drop when I feel like gathering links. NFB and not for interaction.]

east attic, link drop

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