OOC: A Brief Fandom History

Jul 15, 2009 21:28

I thought this might come in handy for those of you who weren't around at the beginning and don't know what led up to Angelus' souling. And for those of us who were around and suffer from CRS :D

One of Angelus's first actions in Fandom was starting up the Junior Achievers Club which was basically a club of not-so-nice folks (Belthazor, Faith, Draco Malfoy, & Jonathan Crane were members). They had meetings, a bake sale (and if you've ever wondered where the "snickerdoodles are made of people" thing came from? It's here), and a very hot leather fashion show. Belthazor quickly developed a crush on became a follower of Angelus.

Marty was one of the first to become suspicious of Angelus and the group. This led to Angelus threatening Angela, who was obviously important to Marty.

In the middle of October, a fear toxin was released in Spike's Pub by Jonathan Crane. Marty started an investigation into who was responsible for it. This made him a target of the JA. Later in the month, he and Rory went for a walk and he ended up getting hit with the fear toxin again. When Rory and Angela discovered that Kitty Pryde was killed, Marty thought he may have been responsible and asked Veronica to investigate. An announcement was made by Sheriff Don Lamb about the murder and imposing a town-wide curfew until the killer was caught. Veronica continued to investigate and, thanks to a tip off from Jaye (and her animals), found Marty's missing voice recorder in a dumpster. Veronica used obtained help from Marshall Flinkman to restore the audio and they took the tape that proved Angelus was the killer to Dean Bristow. That proof, of course, led to Angelus being souled and becoming Angel, which had been researched and planned.

In non-Angelus related history, there was a zombie attack on the island. On the heals of that, a Yearbook bakesale went horribly wrong when some of the food made people think they were their own worst enemies. Fandom also hosted the first (and only, in au-land time) Homecoming (with Cally crowned as Homecoming Queen) and parents weekend. There was also a Halloween Ball at Efferton Manor.

fandom history, ooc

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