South Plains Leatherfest Press Release -- Please Repost!

Oct 07, 2008 15:34


South Plains Leatherfest International Master/slave Weekend 10th Anniversary
Dallas, Texas
February 27- March 1, 2009

Don’t Miss Out on These Upcoming Deadlines - Early Registration, Volunteers and Vendors!!!

Early registration for South Plains Leatherfest’s 10th Anniversary is only $99 - but only until December 22, 2008! Register online now at and enjoy the upcoming holidays knowing you’re locked in at the lowest price.

And while you’re registering, don’t forget to make your hotel reservation on line! South Plains’ new home is the Radisson Hotel & Suites Love Field. A standard room is only $99 for up to 4 guests - or upgrade your SPLF experience by reserving one of a limited number of one bedroom suites for only $129 per night. This year, attending South Plains is a “one stop shop” - all parts of the event including the Opening Festivities, contest and play parties will be held at the hotel so you don’t need to worry about transportation during the event!

As always, South Plains is proud to offer two seminar tracks featuring some of the community’s best-known presenters on Master/slave relationships and advanced SM techniques. A few of the presenters for the M/s Track include International Master and slave 2008 Master Rick and slave tina, Master Larry and slave barb, Sir Stephen and slave catherine, slave marsha, and Master Skip and slave Rick. The Leather/SM Track features, among others, Mark Frazier, Hardy Haberman, Dossie Easton, Roger Leighton and Lolita.

South Plains continues its tradition of the Sunday Brunch, but with a twist -- there won’t be just one speaker, but five of them!  (Don’t worry - they have a time limit!) So be there and be ready to relive the best of 10 years of South Plains through the memories of Mark Frazier, Lolita, Midori, Master Larry (International Master 2007) and Master Skip Chasey. Brunch tickets are available for purchase for $20 when you register on line.

And what would a leather weekend be without play parties? You can buy your weekend dungeon pass good for both parties (Friday and Saturday nights) on line when you register for only $20. Thanks to our new host hotel, this year, South Plains will feature 5,000 square feet of dungeon space in hotel conference space with pansexual, men’s and women’s areas.

Interested in helping create the magic that is South Plains?  Get your volunteer or vending application in now, because the deadline for both is December 1, 2008. Find out how to apply at the Volunteer and Vending sections of the South Plains website.

In today’s economy, you have to choose your leather events carefully and make each one count.  In 2009, choose the one that’s brought you the best of everything leather for almost 10 years now - choose South Plains Leatherfest!

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