Thanks to
pabba yesterday, I learned that issue #6 of
Fictitious Force is out with my story "The Rendezvous" in it. Today my copies arrived. Because of the staple binding, when you open this 64-page zine it automatically opens to page 32. Guess whose story begins on page 32? Sometimes being in the middle is a good thing. *g*
I got two checks along with my contributor's copies. One as payment for my story, the other a refund on my subscription. I gather the second check is not a good thing, though it did say "hiatus" in the bottom left, so hopefully FF will be back. But I'm delighted to be in this cool little zine that's had fiction from some of my LJ friends in this and previous issues.
Fictitious Force #6
"Snow Magic" by K.C. Shaw
"Snowless Winter" by Chad Brian Henry
"Coeur de Lion" by D.L.M. Clarke
"Coming Home" by B.D. Wilson
"The Buzz" by Justin Stanchfield
"The Rendezvous" by Marshall Payne
"Imaginary Puissance" by Paul Abbamondi
"In the Water" by Katherine Mankiller
"Imago Dei" by Rebecca Day
"Fortune" by A.C. Wise