The Weather sets the tone...........

May 24, 2005 13:59

Yeah the Weather here SUCKS!! Its raining, what else is new? Its rained 15 out of the 24 days this month, I learned that from watching Channel 7 news. We are in the midst of a Nor'Easter. Its going to rain for a few days too, it SUCKS!! It makes me bored, it makes me think about things I do not want to think about. I have been thinking alot lately of a former friend of mine. I say former because we use to be best friends. All this shit went down about five years ago, around he time I got my Group Home job. LOTS of misunderstandings, lots of drama etc. For some reason the past month or so I have been missing her friendship. Its odd to me, I can get over guys relative easy if its a relationship, if its a friendship its harder for me. I guess im use to failing at relationships but friendships? no that is a lot harder for me. I know we were at different parts of our lives, she is 7 years older, I was a college kid that liked to party with minor responsibilities at that time, she was married with two kids. Stuff like that. I would get upset when she canceled plans b/c I liked to hang out with her. I know it sounds so petty, but for some reason I have been missing our friendship, the one we had like 7 years ago in the beginning. I have known her since I was probably 12 or 13 through my sister and when I worked at the REstaurant. We worked together that is how we started hanging out b/c we had similar hours. She was there for me when my nephew had cancer and came and got me alot when I was stuck at school and my mother didn't want to come get me b/c I should be at school she thought. My friend knew otherwise and knew I needed to be there so she would drop everything come get me, transport me to the hospital, get lost in Boston for hours, then bring me back to school the next day, letting me stay at her house b/c she knew I was pissed off at my Mother. Yeah that is the stuff I miss. I am writing about it, because it has been bothering me lately. We have had SOME contact over the past year, emailing, I saw her in my homtown last September we talked some for the first time in four years. I wrote to her apologizing for some immature stuff I said and did. She called me the night Johnny Damon hit the grandslam in the ALCS against the Yankees in Game 7, she knew I was a Johnny fan, not sure how, I must of said that in an email. The thing is I don't think she checks the email anymore, I don't want to call without her wanting me to call ya know? I don't want to be the pest I use to be or she felt I was. I know this is all freaking confusing haha it is for me to!! I have other friends and I have close friends but I guess in a way I will always have a place in my heart for her and her kids b/c she was there for me through the TOUGHEST time in my life and for that I will always be greatful!!

I have been FULL of anxiety at work lately. Im getting so tired of my job, the days I work, some of the people I work with are just plain lazy or not knowing their job after years of doing it so I have to come in and clean up after my days off. I have a couple obnoxious kids there that just can't stand me b/c I tell them what they NEED to do and call them on things when they are rude to others. Im tired of putting up with all of this for under 14 an hour, including being on call every third week w/o any extra pay. Im applying to Grad school for September. I hope I get in and I go. Its 16 months one weekend a month b/c its excelled and goes on five years experience I will have five in September. I HOPE to stick out his job until I finish which is ANOTHER 20 months. I hope I can do it!!!! I almost left for a job last year around this time, but it was a TA and didn't pay all year round even though they were going to start me at my pay I have now which was 2 dollars more than the starting rate was suppose to be, b/c of my experience. I couldn't do it b/c I was afraid of those summer months nad my freaking bills!!!

Well that is about it, not much going on here, I mind as well become a Nun as the dating scene goes haha. Oh well life goes on!!

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