12 [Accidental Video // Offline to Household]

Sep 10, 2010 15:11

[The PCD turns on to show Rei carefully drawing on a large cake with blue icing, her tongue pressed firmly in between her teeth. It's clearly taking a lot of effort and her eyes narrow at what appears to be a small mistake. With some careful manuevering, she appears to have fixed it, and she grins at her handiwork. She turns to call off-camera.] ( Read more... )

someone's having a birthday, ami is the smart one, stop recording me, usagi is the sweet one, shinto priestess by day, not very domestic, rei throws parties right, friends = family, being social, party time! excellent!, youma the cat

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mirroredecho September 10 2010, 21:46:38 UTC
Looks like that's one gift that's coming in handy.


marsfireignite September 10 2010, 21:50:03 UTC
He's a menace, Cloud. And this was supposed to be a surprise.



mirroredecho September 10 2010, 21:52:16 UTC
Hey, at least he shut it back off.


marsfireignite September 10 2010, 21:53:26 UTC
Too little too late.


Ah well. At least he didn't get into the cake. Then I really would've killed him. Remus and I worked really hard on it.


mirroredecho September 10 2010, 22:02:51 UTC
Remind to never get you another gift.

Need anymore help setting up?


marsfireignite September 10 2010, 22:03:48 UTC
Get me all the gifts you want, but maybe not anything that has a mind of its own.

[She's prodding Youma off camera, Cloud. She does love the cat, she swears.]

Are you still affected?


mirroredecho September 10 2010, 22:06:46 UTC
All the gifts I want, huh?

[Stop giving him ideas, Rei.]

I haven't cut, slammed, or banged into anything in a couple of hours. I'm pretty sure I can help hang some decorations.


marsfireignite September 10 2010, 22:09:56 UTC
[She's just going to ignore that little bit, Cloud, but seriously. She likes presents. Go for it, man.]

How are you still in one piece?


[Private//Unhackable] mirroredecho September 10 2010, 22:18:33 UTC
It's the mako. It makes my cells regenerate more quickly.


[Private//Unhackable] marsfireignite September 10 2010, 22:56:18 UTC
[Her mocking smile becomes a smidge softer. Right. Science experiment and all that.]

Right. Well, I think we have it all under control, but if you want to visit later, that's fine.


[Private//Unhackable] mirroredecho September 10 2010, 23:05:12 UTC
I... don't think so. I'm not in to crashing birthday parties.


[Private//Unhackable] marsfireignite September 10 2010, 23:06:15 UTC
You're not crashing it if you're invited.

And it's not like I'm sealing off the world after the party.


[Private//Unhackable] mirroredecho September 11 2010, 00:27:08 UTC
I don't think so, Rei. Just... save me some cake, okay?


[Private//Unhackable] marsfireignite September 11 2010, 00:42:27 UTC

If you're sure.


[Private//Unhackable] mirroredecho September 11 2010, 00:58:04 UTC
[He doesn't want to intruded on her private time with the girls.]

Yeah. You can bring it to me tomorrow and we can have lunch.


[Private//Unhackable] marsfireignite September 11 2010, 01:03:24 UTC
What, you can't come get it yourself?


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