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[Video] buntails November 20 2011, 04:02:12 UTC
Rei-chan? Did something happen? [Was it just an accident?]

Anyway, I have some. I kept some that Michiru-san made, when she left. Do you need it?


[Video] marsfireignite November 20 2011, 04:03:14 UTC
Nothing new.

[She's in her room, carefully cleaning off her hands, which are covered in ink.]

I'd appreciate it.


[Video to Offline] buntails November 20 2011, 04:05:59 UTC
I'll come right over.

[She clicks off the feed with a quick goodbye, and finds the ink before heading to Rei's room. She stays outside, and knocks on the door lightly first.]

Rei-chan? Can I come in?


[Offline] marsfireignite November 20 2011, 04:13:38 UTC
Yeah, sure, it's open.

[Rei is dropping a blackened rag into the trash bin now, her hands mostly clean save for underneath her nails. That'll take actually scrubbing.]


[Offline] buntails November 20 2011, 04:24:25 UTC
[She takes care of Rei first. Usagi sets the ink down safely nearby, and she's brought an extra rag to help clean up. She starts on some of the remaining inkspill.

She knows you, Rei, and so what's next is obvious, after a few moments of working in silence.]

Do you want to talk about it?


[Offline] marsfireignite November 20 2011, 04:28:41 UTC
[Most of it is against the wall. There's a mark of black explosion on the wall right above it.

Rei and her temper. Sigh.

She's quiet for a moment before she draws in a breath, kneeling to help.]


Same story, different day.


[Offline] buntails November 20 2011, 04:30:50 UTC
[It won't help to say 'don't let him get to you'; feelings can't be helped, and anyway it won't stop what he does.]

What was he doing? [If it's something more than his usual baiting.. They might need to do something about it, too.]


[Offline] marsfireignite November 20 2011, 04:31:55 UTC
Pressing my buttons, like he always does.

[Because he can. And because he knows he can get a rise out of her. And Rei fell for it, like she always does, but what makes it worse is that Castiel got involved and told her she was wrong. That's what's really irritating her.]


[Offline] buntails November 20 2011, 04:35:26 UTC
Then let's... forget about him, just for right now. If there's something we need to do, we can do it after we clean up here.

[Which, surprisingly, she is still continuing to do without being scolded. Don't worry; she'll get distracted and slack off soon. Usagi makes a face at the quickly-black rag.]

I have some paper for new ofuda, too. I guess it's lucky timing. I should have brought it with me now.


[Offline] marsfireignite November 20 2011, 04:38:04 UTC
[That causes her to glance over with a blink.]

Where did you find that?


[Offline] buntails November 20 2011, 04:39:25 UTC
Sokka made it. I traded him some things for it. [Share and share alike, and all that. Sokka's a very resourceful person himself!]

It's not exactly the same, but, would it still work?


[Offline] marsfireignite November 20 2011, 04:47:29 UTC
He made paper?

[That's... kind of amazing actually.]

-- it's blessing it that counts, I'm sure it'll be fine.


[Offline] buntails November 20 2011, 04:50:15 UTC
[She was so happy when he mentioned it: a chance to get something that'd really be useful, since Rei uses it in her charms.]

Good. I'll bring it over after we clean up.

Rei-chan, how about you just sit down awhile?


[Offline] marsfireignite November 20 2011, 04:56:09 UTC
[She pauses before sighing, cleaning off her hands again to push herself up, sitting on the edge of a chair near the wall.]



[Offline] buntails November 20 2011, 05:04:52 UTC
[That makes it Usagi's turn to kneel on the floor, scrubbing at a few stubborn spots.]

Is any of Michiru-san's paint left...?

[She has a sinking feeling the answer is no; there hadn't been much to begin with somewhere like here.]


[Offline] marsfireignite November 20 2011, 05:19:17 UTC
I think I used the last of it to try and reinforce the warding around the Temple.

[She frowns as she sinks back into her chair.]

It's fine if it's showing.


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