6 [Accidental Video Post] Forward Dated To Late Afternoon.

Aug 16, 2010 00:51

[Rei is sitting on her bed, legs crossed, her recovery from her attack in the dream world nearly complete. The only signs of her attack left are the bags underneath her eyes from lack of sleep and a small neatly swept pile of red-tinged feathers in the corner of her room that she has to dispose of.

Her attention isn't focused on the PCD, however. In fact, she's playing with a baby fox, who is chewing on the edge of her shirt. She nudges the little fuzzball paws-over-head and snickers at the tiny harmless yelp that results.]

You're persistent. And dramatic.

[She tilts her head at the small creature before scooping it up.]

You need to go back to your mom, anyway, no more sleeping in here. I want to go to the hot springs and you aren't invited.

[She leaves the range of the camera, still talking to the small animal as she leaves. The PCD eventually times out.]

stop recording me, it was all jean's idea, shinto priestess by day, winter the fox, real life animal friends, i want to relax dammit, shut up this is not cute, secretly likes cute things

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