[The PCD turns on to show an empty hallway of the Temple to Heaven, quiet and calm and free of disturbance. It’s swinging lightly, back and forth -- Rei is holding it as she walks down the halls, quiet and peaceful -- but she pauses, at a slightly open door, and her expression is curious as she pokes the door open with a slight nudge of her foot.
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Are there many things you must protect yourself from?
[As far as he's concerned Rei is totally overreacting. 8| He can get another few sigils drawn before he starts running into blood loss complications, sheesh.]
I wish you well, then.
-=a beat later=-
I do have a tea that will help strengthen the body after blood letting. I could bring some over later?
It would be appreciated.
I will come soon?
Now, then. -=It would keep Rei from worrying too much.=-
-=However long it takes to get to the temple, Hawke will be there with a satchel and approaching carefully as he feels the pull of the wards.=-
Castiel himself is outside at the moment, apparently gauging something about the walls of the Temple, judging by how he's looking them over. He does sense Hawke's arrival, and glances over to look at him.]
Hello. I have brought the tea.
He nods in greeting, and moves to open the door of the Temple to let Hawke inside. It's hot outside and Castiel is slowly learning actual politeness and customs.]
Thank you. Perhaps it will keep Rei from worrying so much.
[He's wrapped up his arm, but he has a lot more warding that needs done, and though he knows better than to overdo it, this might help.]
Is it something you do often?
-=If the angel notices, there are thin, precise scars on Hawke's arms from the wrist to the elbow.=-
[He does lead the way in, toward the kitchen.]
Yes. Most warding and sigils need to be done in blood, particularly those I use.
[He's not all that observant, particularly about others, so he doesn't notice just yet.]
-=which is why his home is unwarded. All he has are his own senses and the lockjaw guarding it.=-
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