48 [Text]

Mar 31, 2011 01:19

I'm going out for a couple of hours.

I'll be back soon.

ooc: If you want to offline her by stumbling across her, she'll be at the edge of the Wastelands.

not as strong as she appears, shinto priestess by day, i love my boys really, fuck you seriously, break my little heart in two, failure is not an option, missing people anonymous, this really hurts, please don't leave, this is not good, insecurities seriously suck balls, the animus aren't cool

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[Offline] suchatroll March 31 2011, 05:55:21 UTC
[He's been leaving the disappearing issue alone. It strikes a cord with what was happening at home. The three rampaging psychos and god the blood. Compared to that disappearing didn't seem so fucking bad. At least there's a shred of hope.

But he's out near the edge of the Wastelands, trying to see if he can find anything useful. He's visible from a distance, those candy corn colored horns are very hard to miss.]


[Offline] marsfireignite March 31 2011, 06:02:36 UTC
[She notices them instantly -- Rei is, after all, a soldier. Seeing weird things before they see her keeps her alive. Most of the time, anyway.

But she hadn't ever seen something like that before...

She remains where she is, seated underneath a lone tree, but her hand is in her pocket, where her transformation wand is. Just in case.]


[Offline] suchatroll March 31 2011, 06:17:52 UTC
[There's a nagging feeling he's being watched causing Karkat to subtly reach for his sickle. The black and white weapon makes barely a sound as he straightens up. He turns his head and pauses when he catches sight of her.


He's seen humans before, but not face to face. He can't see much of her as he comes down off the pile of rubble but there's enough to know what she is. He trudges closer, weapon held low to show he wouldn't be one to attack first.]


[Offline] marsfireignite March 31 2011, 06:21:59 UTC
[His stance doesn't seem aggressive. Defensive. Rei relaxes an iota, but she doesn't miss that blade in his hand.]

If you don't put away your weapon, I'm going to attack you.

[It's said mildly, but loud enough so he can hear.]

And I'm not here to hurt anyone, so you might as well save your energy.


[Offline] suchatroll March 31 2011, 06:26:42 UTC
[He shoots her a look as if to say 'go right afuckinghead' but snorts and stashes the sickle.]

Like I knew that till just now.

[He comes to a stop just in reaching range. His appearance is very alien, from the horns to the claws on his fingers.]

What are you out here for? To thresh the shit out of the things out there? They don't give up any grist.


[Offline] marsfireignite March 31 2011, 06:28:41 UTC
[She stares at him for a long moment, trying to comprehend what... ever the hell he just said.

... no, Rei is way too tired for that.]

I'm just out here to think.


[Offline] suchatroll March 31 2011, 07:19:07 UTC
This close to a battlefield.


[Offline] marsfireignite March 31 2011, 16:39:54 UTC
I can take care of myself.

[She's really in no mood to... talk to anyone, but this guy seems new, and Rei isn't one to just brush someone off. So she sighs, shakily, and tilts her head back so it hits the tree lightly.]

I'm Rei.


[Offline] suchatroll March 31 2011, 17:17:30 UTC
Just seems stupid to choose this spot when something could fucking interrupt you here. Or someone. It never fails to happen. [He sounds angry but there's a drained quality to it. He studies her narrowing his yellow eyes and snorts.] Karkat.

What's bothering you? [His tone is oddly neutral now, as if he's used to asking that question or being a therapist in general.]


[Offline] marsfireignite March 31 2011, 17:22:35 UTC
I train here. No one else tends to come out here, but I guess I just got proven wrong.

[A pause.]

Nothing. I'm just here to think.


Re: [Offline] suchatroll March 31 2011, 20:48:50 UTC
That's the law of universe, when you least expect it everything goes fucking wrong. You might even expect it when it happens and be ready and prepared. It will still knock you on your ass and we'll march like idiots down this weird ass road everyone calls fate. Which is also bullshit.

[His expression doesn't waver. There's disbelief all over his face. He knows that look.]



Re: [Offline] marsfireignite April 1 2011, 01:31:40 UTC
[Rei stares at him for a moment before laughing to herself.]

You're talking to the wrong girl about fate.


[Offline] suchatroll April 1 2011, 01:38:45 UTC
[He stares at her and sighs, looking away.] Great. Don't tell me. You're one of those prophets or seers that know we're all fucked.

[Yet, he's relaxing a little. This is familiar territory.]


[Offline] marsfireignite April 1 2011, 01:41:37 UTC
I'm not a prophet or a seer, but I see things sometimes. If that counts for anything.


[Offline] suchatroll April 1 2011, 02:51:37 UTC
That's what they do. Unless you're connected to time like that Strider prick. [He thinks about it and sits down, setting his pack down.] you're the first one I've met that didn't immediately pull that 'I've been expecting you bulge bump' shit.


[Offline] marsfireignite April 1 2011, 03:50:10 UTC
I can look ahead if I want to, but I don't unless I need to.


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