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Team filter foundtheheart February 3 2011, 21:05:28 UTC
I will be ready.


Team filter marsfireignite February 3 2011, 22:37:29 UTC
Good. Four A.M.


Team filter foundtheheart February 3 2011, 22:46:12 UTC
That's fine. I'll be waiting outside your house.


Team filter marsfireignite February 4 2011, 04:06:10 UTC
Not too close. The other senshi don't know we're going.

I'll be able to feel you.


Team filter foundtheheart February 4 2011, 07:08:15 UTC
Of course.


Team filter marsfireignite February 4 2011, 07:14:14 UTC
Four AM. We can go to the police station together. That's where Toushirou wants to meet.


Team filter (WTF, fingers.) foundtheheart February 4 2011, 07:26:56 UTC
I understand. *A brief pause.* There won't be any more delays.


Team filter (ffff <3) marsfireignite February 4 2011, 07:35:27 UTC
No, this is it.

I hope you're ready to beat down some guards with me.


Team filter foundtheheart February 4 2011, 07:41:07 UTC
They shouldn't pose a problem.


Team filter marsfireignite February 4 2011, 07:48:54 UTC
We have it under control.


Team filter foundtheheart February 4 2011, 07:57:35 UTC
But don't let confidence cause you to underestimate our opposition. We have no way of gauging their strength.


Team filter marsfireignite February 4 2011, 07:59:21 UTC
I'm trying to make myself less nervous, Ulquiorra, I know what we're getting into.


Team filter foundtheheart February 4 2011, 08:13:45 UTC
*Ulqui doesn't do insistent optimism, Rei.* If we're noticed, we may have to fight. You should be prepared in case I have to use my Resurrecion near you.


Team filter marsfireignite February 4 2011, 08:14:45 UTC
I can endure it. Trust me.


Team filter foundtheheart February 4 2011, 08:22:41 UTC
If it happens, don't stay nearby. I won't use it unless I'm forced to. *Meaning fighting something that would kill him otherwise and thus might kill her if it gets a shot past him.*


Team filter marsfireignite February 4 2011, 08:32:54 UTC
I'm sticking by you, Ulquiorra. If things get that bad, I'm at your side until we both get out. No one leaves anyone behind.


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