Jan 07, 2009 10:51
ok so some things are starting to slowly fall into place.
I called my first clinic site today to introduce myself and the lady that I'm going to be working with sounded super nice, so hopefully that's a good sign. I'm glad it's in brookfield since that's not too far away. And I don't start until 8 so I dont have to get up at the butt crack of dawn.
I also started filling stuff out for my scholarship application for my FINAL YEAR of college!!! The essay question isnt too bad either. I'm suppose to pick something that I would like to see changed at my current school, and how I could accomplish the change along with it's benefits.
I've got a question for you guys. Do you know of any stores that has either well fitting girl polo shirts (aka long ones that aren't insanely tight) or at least business casual shirts? I need to be dressed up for clinicals but I'm having troubles finding clothes. :(
Well I'm off to studying muscle attachments and testing positions...dont ask lol
Hope everyone had a good break, hope to see you if you havent left yet.