Apr 15, 2012 11:17
[this journal is slowly being moved to friends only. just an fyi]
Have I talked about Elysia on here? I don't know if I have.
Elysia I picked up a week ago. She's now five weeks old, of the furry four-legged kind, and as cute as kittens can be! :D However, cuteness is a distraction. Maybe that's the cause for my low wordcount this month, or my failure to backup.
Virus's suck. Corrupt all your files, won't even tell you -_- And the fact that this computer was bought with virus's on it (I swear, we got it from a completely legal place!) makes my life harder. I don't know why they weren't picked up before, but they're gone now. Along with 2k of my words. Thanks, really.
Burn. Burn, Burn, Burn. I love you, I really do. But I'm realizing a few things about this novel. A, I need a better title. B, I'm forgetting scenes. It moves from action to action - five chapters might be focused on the relationships, then two on the Church, two on relationships, and the next 11 on the Church. No reaction. No consistency either. It's going to be annoying to rewrite, to edit. And C, I'm being uncomfortable with the direction it's going. In just a few chapters, there's meant to be a kidnapping and a suicide as a direct result of that. But I really don't want it to happen. I'm too attached to the characters to let them go. Everything points to it, it's the only way to make the plot move forward, I just don't want to write it.
I'm just being whiny, I guess. I've 7k to write, I really can't afford to waste my time whining. Just write and get it done. Butt in chair, hands on keyboard, edit later.
...also, if anyone wants to read the current 18k, shoot me a PM and I'll email it. Looking for critiques, possibly a bit too early, but no harm done.