002. stuck on/in pluto

Aug 15, 2008 22:35

Alright housemates, I'll bite. Let's hope Big Brother isn't watching. Third day, almost. It's not so bad.

Okay, Lee - you did not tell me that there was an E-copy of the LoTR compilation Guide from Hell. You could've shared that info with me, y'know, just FYI.

Lemme tell you, this mother is not light. But, again, thanks for the studio and the garage. I'll pay you back for it after I've settled in a bit more. Give me a few weeks.

Speaking of which, heads up, everybody:

I'm still making inquiries around, but - Anyone up for hiring a small town detective for a certain fee? Business and success is a promise. Otherwise, a money back guarantee after 30 days Otherwise, pay is unnecessary. Photography and investigation skills are a factor that help sway you in your decision to hire. I also totally might not be above menial labor.

Just respond here for a copy of my resume/any additional information you might need, and I'll get back to you A.S.A.P.

Any questions? Drop it here as well.

Addendum #1: Sample of personal photography for your convenience can be found here: 1/2/3/4/5
Addendum #2: If there's a need for additional samples/bigger resolutions/desire for me to lose the whole B&W effect, feel free to inquire.
Addendum #3: Just so you know? I make mean coffee.


P.S. Also, elves are real.
P.S.S. So, are, supposed fictional TV characters.
P.S.S.S. If anyone can point me out to any of the Star Wars, kids? I'm a big fan.
P.S.S.S.S. I got to ride in a Jag, sweet.

OOC: Strikes are nonexistent, links are non-IC (merely for OOC reference), plead query for work is SRSBSN. Help her out?

Photos are also © of google search, and belong to their respective artists. sorry for the steal Please ignore the water stamp on one, thanks! ♥

star wars is ftw, too long; don't read, tv characters are real, elves are real, stfu pls, life's pretty ok, i rode a jag dammit (so badass), desperate jobness, veronica is ttly verbose

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