Dec 05, 2004 15:07
omg soo much fun
friday- jordans party! had so much fun! the best part was when the dairy queen called sydney a bitch, so all of us which includes-me jordan alee catheryn alexa jenna jamie sydney sarah H sarah M ria and becca. started flicking her off and doing other random spastic things to get her pissed.. so the worker lady comes outside and takes our picture and goes now i got ure picture hoes!! so alee ( this being the funniest part of the party says) WHAT YOU SAY BITCH! OR WHAT NOW BITCH! i cant remember which one lol.... but aanyways it was so great and it was a great night to top it off... lol
saturday- had a soccer tournament 3v3 style we lost but o well...the best part was a night for nIIIkkis surprise party!!! it was so much fun! nikki was so surprised! and we all danced and cameron and jamie break danced on the floor and o yeah so did brandon!! omg he was great! nick and his rock hard abs cameron squeezy and brandon fleecy! PARTY BOY-NICK PARTY GIRL-PG me and pg sang leave get out for everyone and all the drama ppl which includes me jamie michelle zandra and aimee did the drama dance for everyone... yeeyah! and teh the song california came on and me and aimee found eachother and screamed and sang!!lol we watched gold member at the end which was really funny... me and cameron took pictures of eachother on our phones which was fun.... then that was it..
sunday- went back to melbourne to do more tournament and lose some more but o well.... now im back here with hurt legs...
my cat ron jon is sick or something he got in a fight with another cat and hes not breathing well so im gonna go check on my baby... layter