The Secret of Being a Grimaldi Chapter 5 and 6

Oct 11, 2010 09:10

Title: The Secret of Being a Grimaldi
Author: Marsabi
Summary: Damian returns and Luke finds out that his family has superpowers.
Disclaimer: These characters are based on ATWT; I own nothing
Rating : NC-17

Chapter 5

Luke floated on his back, his fingers trailing aimlessly into the water, his eyes gazing up at the night teaming with stars. The air was humid, but the pool water gently soothed him. His grandmother's pool house was actually a small bungalow.  Outside of the tiny house, there were several cabanas, a steam room, a hot tub, and an outdoor grill. Inside the pool house, there was every convience Luke could want. He was hardly struggling. Lucinda had even sent over food from the main house. Most importantly, there had been no disturbances or visions. Luke breathed in the air. He could smell the nearby orchids from Lucinda's garden. He allowed his body to relax and drift through the water.

"Swimming alone at night can be risky," a voice called out, making Luke jump up with a noisy splash.

Dr. Oliver stood at the edge of the pool. He was still dressed in his dark blue scrubs. His blue eyes were hungrily roaming over the sight of Luke Snyder floating on his back in only a green Speedo. Dr Oliver had come straight from the hospital. He had a five oclock shadow of stubble on his face. He had been watching over Noah Mayer for 24 hours now.

" Why are you here? Is it Noah?" Luke was asking, sounding worried.  "Mom said he was stable just a few hours ago?"

"He's fine," Reid assured him. His expression became a little sour at the concern in Luke's voice. "But I thought you might want an update. Your mother said you were here. " Reid glanced around. "Didn't want to go to the big house?" He asked sarcastically, gesturing to Lucinda's mansion nearby.

"Noah is fine," Luke was repeating , ignoring the rest of what Reid said.

" Relax. Your boyfriend -"


"Will be fine, thanks to my brilliance.  We are sedating him for a few days, letting the brain heal, but when he wakes up I expect him to see perfectly."

Too bad, he will still be a sexually-confused, controlling idiot who does not know how to treat Luke right.

Luke shifted in the water; he had heard Dr. Oliver's last thought.

Luke was suddenly aware of how Dr. Oliver stood staring at him. The moonlight made Luke's skin glisten. Drops of water slid down Luke's chest.

"So?" Luke said uncomfortable, "why are you here then?"

Reid swallowed hard and did not answer for a moment. Then he shrugged, "Maybe I just wanted to talk about that kiss," he said with a direct and honest expression on his face.

Luke began to swim back and forth in the water. He had been the one flirting with Reid, but suddenly he felt exposed and shy.

"Well?" Reid demanded. Luke stopped swimming and looked at him.


"What is with you these past few days? No apologizing? No whining about Noah? No sitting by his bedside like a good lap dog? And now, kissing me?" Reid tried to probe Luke's expression. It was too dark to really see his normally expressive eyes.

Luke tilted his head coyly, " A kiss is just a kiss, " he said.

Then he swam up closer to Reid.

"What's the matter doctor, did it make you nervous. Afraid?" Luke challenged.

Reid snorted, "I'm not afraid of much, Mr. Snyder."

Luke heard, small spaces, lack of air, caves, the dark.

"Yeah, you do seem fearless, " Luke told him with sudden gentleness.

Reid could only stare at him.

Luke swam in a small circle. His long legs kicked through the water. His muscled arms glided above his head. Luke's heart was racing. He swam some more. He could feel Reid watching him. With Noah, Luke had to fight to get Noah to notice him or admit to wanting him at all. Noah had been so reluctant. But here with Reid, Luke did not need to read his mind to sense his massive desire. The chemistry was sizzling between them.  It felt like nothing in Luke's limited experience. He stopped swimming and glanced at Reid.

"You did say I shouldn't swim alone," Luke gestured with his hand for Reid to join him.

Reid Oliver was no fool. He threw off the dark scrubs impatiently and stripped down to his black briefs. Then he climbed down into the pool.

"Float with me," Luke whispered. Reid obeyed. The two of them floated on their backs a moment. The night was beautiful. Stars blazed down at them. The moon was almost full. Luke stopped floating and put his hands underneath Reid's body.

Reid's eyes flew open in surprise. Luke stood over him and smiled.

"You look tired, doctor. I thought I would help you out."

Luke blushed in the darkness at Reid's sudden thoughts. He was glad that Reid probably could not see that blush. This man wanted him. Badly. It made Luke feel powerful in a way he had never truly felt before.

Luke supported Reid's weight in the water, moving him around in the pool. He was enjoying this. And Dr. Reid Oliver was actually allowing Luke to control him and move him through the water.  He looked down at Reid.  Reid had gorgeous skin and firm muscles. His stomach was flat and Luke was thinking about bending down and kissing it.

"You can carry me away any time," Reid murmured, his eyes closed once more. Then he added  sarcastically, "You might not be as useless as you look."

Luke took away his hands abruptly and pushed Reid under.

Reid came up from the water, "Hey! Unkind!" He said.

Luke laughed. "Then learn to keep your mouth shut, Doctor Oliver, " he teased, "don't be obnoxious when you have a good thing going."

"You know, Snyder, that might be the best advice I've heard in a long time. "

Reid made a gesture like he was about to lock his lips up and throw away the key. It made Luke laugh in appreciation. Luke felt suddenly more sure of himself and relaxed.

Reid  then swam up to Luke. He reached out and touched Luke's face. Their eyes met and Luke smiled. No more words were exchanged. Their lips found each other in a mutual kiss. Tongues thrust at one another like swords. Mouths opened and heat exploded between them. Luke  grabbed and pulled at Reid's hair. The water was cool; their bodies were not. Reid held Luke around the waist and deepened the kiss.

"Hmmm, good," Luke sighed.

Reid smiled, "Yes, it is."

They kissed some more. Bodies touching. Chests rubbing up and down on each other. Luke vaguely noted that as he kissed Reid, he could hear none of Reid's thoughts. It was like Luke could only feel now, not think. Not hear. Just touch and be touched.

Reid was wrapping his legs around Luke and soon they were treading water. Luke heard himself whimper at the hard, satisfying lust filling his body. Luke's mouth already felt swollen. Reid broke off the kiss and was nuzzling his neck, and electric shocks coursed through Luke at the friction and Reid's stubble. They sank under the water a moment. Bodies wrapped completely now, Luke clutched at Reid, wanting this, wanting his flesh pressed tightly to him. They came up for air.

Reid's breath was ragged . "Maybe we should go out of the pool. I don't want to drown while we -"

"Not yet," Luke said softly.  Luke reached for him and kissed him again. The water splashed between them. Reid tasted amazing. Luke's whole body felt warm and alive.

"Lets just kiss some more," Luke whispered. "I don't really like the rest anyhow."

"The rest?"

"Don't worry, we can finish in a second, but I just love to kiss."

"Finish?" Reid repeated and drew back to examine Luke.

Reid's hand was still caressing Luke's back in the water.

Luke pulled away. "Just don't expect...too much. Sex for me has never been...I just find it overrated. "

Luke ducked his head down, suddenly embarrassed.

Reid forced Luke's chin up to look into his eyes.

"It's just a bit fast and even painful for me..I never really...Can we just go back to not talking?" Luke suddenly pleaded.

Luke jumped away from Reid and got out of the pool. He began to towel off vigorously.

Reid slowly got out of the pool too. He didn't bother to grab a towel.

"Sex is fast and...not good for you?" He said softly. He took Luke's hand and stopped him from toweling off.

"It doesn't have to be that way," Reid said.

Luke met his eyes.  They studied each other.

"It doesn't?" Luke said hoarsely.

Reid nodded.

Luke heard, We are so about to have fantastic fucking sex - right now!

Luke jumped back and nervously walked towards one of the cabanas. It had a white, billowing tent around it. Inside, the cabana had a cushioned bench and several pillows. Reid followed him into the cabana. The night was steamy. Luke's skin felt flushed. Could he really enjoy it? Noah had always criticized him for complaining and -

Reid touched Luke gently on the chest. Then he began to kiss him, softly, almost sweetly. Luke stopped thinking and just gave his whole body over to that kiss. Reid kissed him on the neck and shoulder. Luke could feel his erection pressing into his thigh. Then Reid pushed him gently on to the cushions. He put his tongue into Luke's navel and sucked. Luke's toes curled in surprise. His cock already felt like it might burst. Reid roughly pulled off Luke's bathing suit and then his own. Their breaths were ragged now. Luke had never felt so aroused. Reid took him into his mouth. His tongue was merciless. He tortured Luke with it, expertly teasing and thrusting against Luke. Reid tasted the pre-come, licking at it. Then he stopped to glide back up Luke's body and kiss his lips.

"Do you taste yourself?" Reid whispered. "You taste so damn good, don't you."

Luke could taste himself on Reid's lips. He couldn't answer, only moan. All of this was raw and new for him. With Noah, it would have been over already. Reid ground his mouth against Luke's open one.

"I want to 69 with you," Reid mumbled. Then Reid was turning around. Taking Luke's hard cock back into his mouth. Offering Luke his own cock and a beautiful view of his solid ass. Luke trembled as he reached for Reid. He took Reid into his mouth and sucked him, at the same time, Reid was blowing across Luke's tip. They sucked each other. Their limbs quaking. Luke's mouth had to fall away several times as Reid blew him. The desire made him stunned and left him gasping. Then he took Reid back into his own mouth. Reid groaned.

Reid pulled his mouth away and gently stopped Luke.

"Wh-What?" Luke asked in a daze.

Reid stared at him a second, and then gave Luke the most beautiful smile that he had ever seen.

"I don't want to come yet," Reid said. "I want it to last for you a long time."

Chapter 6

After that, Luke lost track of the hour. The blood was pounding throughout Luke's whole body. Reid's mouth and his hands were everywhere, tasting and touching. Luke buried his face in Reid's chest, lost in his scent. He just clung on to Reid's strong back and was lost. Primal whimpers were coming out of Luke's throat. Reid's fingers had been moistened and now they were inside of Luke, plunging in and out of him. Luke closed around him tightly. Reid murmured his name and his free hand wrapped around Luke's aching cock. Before Luke could take another breath, Reid put another finger inside of him. He stretched and massaged him, hard and deep, until Luke's whole being was screaming for release.

Then Luke found himself being turned around and drawn up to his knees. He now had his back to Reid, who was continuing to rub his scratchy face along Luke's skin, scraping him.  Reid was also on his knees. Luke could feel Reid' hardness pressed into his ass. Luke reached back one hand and wrapped it around Reid's neck, pulling Reid closer.

Reid's strong arm muscles clamped around Luke's torso. He stroked Luke with one hand and his other hand dug into Luke's hip. Then Reid was urging Luke's legs farther apart and Luke fell forward, bracing himself on the cabana pillows. Reid plunged his tongue into Luke's ass. He held him firmly and worked until Luke felt all the parts of his body were turning to liquid. Luke felt his flesh opening up, ready to receive pleasure, maybe for the first time.

"Now," He screamed at Reid desperately, "please now!"

It was what Reid had been waiting to hear. Still, he had to make certain.

"What do you want, Luke? Do you want me inside you?"

He kissed the back of Luke's neck and ear. Reid teased one finger over Luke.

Luke could only nod and moan.

"Tell me. Give me the words."

"I -want. I need you inside me now!"

Reid drove into Luke in one sure stroke. Reid was aroused beyond reason. They were both shocked and staggered by the heat between them. Reid was pounding into Luke and Luke was soaring. They owned this. They owned each other's bodies. Reid groaned loudly and began to come, and Luke's body rushed to follow. There were no voices or visions or sounds. There were no other people or ex-boyfriends or judgments.  And in this moment, nothing could hurt Luke, he was in the presence of bliss.

Reid felt wrecked and struggled to breath in huge gulps of air. Luke's body was still shaking from the effects of such amazing sex. He offered Reid a dreamy smile. Luke never wanted to come back from this. Reid returned the smile, and rubbed Luke's shoulder in small circles. There was a glimmer of victory in Reid's eyes as he observed Luke's swollen mouth and heated cheeks.

"Okay?" Reid asked protectively.

Luke just nodded.  Then he turned and rested his face on Reid's chest. Luke played with the small arrow of hair under Reid's lower stomach.

" Doctor Oliver - er Reid?"


"This was real, right?" Luke asked.


"And we still hate each other?"

"Of course."

"Just checking" Luke whispered.

Luke woke up to the feeling of somebody's weight on him. Then he remembered. He quietly turned his head and studied Reid as he slept. Without his usual snarky defense, Reid looked younger, more vulnerable.Luke gently covered him with his sheet.  Luke let his eyes wander around the room. They were in his bedroom at the pool house. They had both eaten Lucinda's food, ravished by that point, and then fallen into the bed and immediately into a deep sleep.

Luke crawled out of the bed. His body and ass ached all over, and he had scrapes from Reid's stubble.  But it felt right. Luke cast one more glance back at Reid. He had not been able to read his mind at all during sex; it made Luke curious about what Reid would think or do once he woke up.

Truthfully, he was shocked that Reid had stayed with him. He would never in a million years thought Dr. Reid Oliver would like to cuddle. But there he was, holding the blankets now as he had held Luke moments before. Luke found Reid so surprising.

Luke walked into the living room and turned on his computer. He had been able to forget Damian for awhile, but now he was back to worrying about it. Luke knew he would not be able to sleep. So he tried to contact Damian again and , when that failed, tried to look further into the foundation's stolen money. Luke sighed deeply. He had not even told Reid yet that the money for the neurology wing was in jeopardy. Now he really did not want to have to tell him. Luke had no clue what he and Reid really were to each other at this point, but his gentle heart did not want to disappoint him.

The vision grabbed Luke by surprise. One moment, he had been just sitting and typing at the computer, and then he saw this:

A tree and a large dug pit.  A pit  with a body sprawled out next to it.  The face bloodied beyond recognition. Battered so badly that there was parts of the skull visible.  The man had some kind of bit marks all over. Pieces of his flesh were scattered. And then, near the pit, Luke saw a shovel and a white doctor's jacket.

He screamed. When Reid jumped up from the bed and ran into the room, Luke was standing and screaming. His eyes wild and glazed. Reid ran over, shook him, and then slapped him hard across the cheek.

Luke grabbed onto Reid and just held him. Luke ran his hands all over Reid's warm body.

"What is it?" Reid was demanding.

Luke shook his head.  He couldn't.

Reid reached out and shook him again. "Tell me?"

Luke was silent, but sobs racked his body.

"What you spill your guts out to everybody, but now that we just had mind-blowing sex you think you'll turn all strong and silent on me?" Reid teased softly, and touched the side of Luke's face.

Luke gave a watery laugh depite himself. "Mind-blowing?" The words struck him as both wonderful and ironic.

"Well, it is not like I've had the opportunity in Oakhell to meet lots of other gay men," Reid defended his words quickly.

Luke heard, So mind-blowing. So amazing.

"But before coming to Oakdale, you just had awesome sex all the time right?"

"I've had my share," Reid said.

Luke heard, Not in soooo long. Medical school. Guy with small dick. Nothing like this.

Luke crashed into Reid with unexpected force. He kissed Reid's open lips and then hugged him fiercely.

Then Luke pulled away. "I gotta ask you. Cause my family says this is normal for me, like genetic or something, but if it isn't, if I have a brain tumor or-"

"Whoa! Hold the phone!  What are we talking about?" Reid said.

"A tumor."

"Do you have balance problems? Weakness in your legs?"

"No, no - but I don't know," Luke voice was panicked. "I don't know what is true anymore. If it isn't a tumor, if its like I'm going  crazy like Aunt Meg, then I just-"


"Luke looked up at Reid, his big brown eyes full of fear.

"I'm seeing visions," he told him softly.

An hour and fifteen minutes later, Luke watched Reid examine his tests. Reid was dressed in a pair of Luke own's jeans and one of his polo shirts. His scrubs had gotten wet by the pool. Reid had been surprisingly steady about Luke's confession. Or maybe not so surprising. Doctor Oliver was used to a crisis, after all. He had this great focus. He could make a person feel like he was in control. This made Luke feel so much better already. He knew Reid would be honest with him if the scans showed something wrong.

"Look on the bright side," Reid had said, during the long car ride to the hospital.

"What's that?"

" It doesn't sound like a tumor.. .But if it is a tumor, then I'll be happy to cut it out -  free of charge."

"Gee thanks."

"Your welcome."

Reid looked over at Luke a moment.  "I need one more thing to check, wait here."

Luke nodded and chewed on his lips.

Reid grabbed him suddenly and gave him a hard kiss.

"What was that for?" Luke asked, pleased.

"Luck," Reid said, parroting the words Luke had offered with his own kiss before Noah's operation.

Luke heard,  His lip chewing thing drives me insane!

"Give me one second," Reid told him and left the room.

Back at the pool house, Reid had drilled him quite a lot about his visions. He asked turned immediately into Doctor Oliver mode and went through all the symptoms of various tumors with Luke.

"Do you think it is possible, like my family is saying, to just have psychic thoughts?" Luke had finally asked him. He had braced himself for a ton of obnoxious remarks. But Luke really respected Reid as a doctor and really had wanted to know his opinion.  Luke had stood before him dreading the answer.

But Reid had yet again surprised him.

"What we see , what we hear, what we taste and so on," Reid had said, "require billions of nerve cells to flash unsent messages. It happens rapidly, unconsciously. All the time. Can the brain be heightened, the intensity expanded? Why not," Reid had mused. "The brain is this amazing thing, alien like gray spaghetti, but miraculous. I do think that sometimes its powers can be great -"

Reid had shot Luke a sheepish look. "Sorry, I'm going on and on. Is this helping you at all calm down?"

Luke nodded. Their eyes met and held. Listening to Reid actually had been calming, and Luke had listened to him unaware of the adoring smile on his face, unaware of the way his feelings were growing for Reid in that moment.

"So these visions might be true and ...?" Luke had asked him. He wasn't sure he wanted the visions to be true. That last one. That dead body. The lab coat nearby. Panic clawed at Luke's guts. He knew it could be any doctor, but still...

"They may not be future predictions," Reid had answered. "The right hemisphere, which controls imagination and intuition might be just heightened with some kind of sensitivity."

Luke hoped and prayed that Reid was correct about that part.

The door opened suddenly, bringing Luke back to the present. Reid walked back in and sat down next to him.

"All clear," he said.


"Your brain is empty - whoops- tumor free."

Reid patted Luke's cheek, and his eyes were teasing.

Luke let out a long breath. "Thank God. I'm really fine?" He turned to Reid, searching his face for lies.

"Your good, " Reid repeated.

"Don't sound so disappointed, " Luke joked.

"Well, " Reid gave a mock sigh, "as much as I would have loved to cut into that brain of yours Snyder, I really would miss those over-styled blond locks that would have to be shaved off."

Reid gave a tug on Luke's hair.

"You wish you had hair like mine, " Luke laughed.

Reid pursed his lips.  "I shudder to think of your salon bills."

Luke laughed fully now and so did Reid. Luke could feel the stress leaving his body.

"How come we are standing in your lab, with my brain scans here, and we are discussing my hair products?" He said to Reid.

"You're right, " Reid said. "Let's go back to your place and continue where we left off. Didn't I see a steam room by your grandmother's pool area?"

Luke grinned. "It has a whirl pool there too."

Reid raised his eyebrows hopefully.

Luke heard, I want to fuck him in the mouth, in the steam, under the jets. I want him to ride my ass and make me scream -

"I'm ready," Luke said , a bit breathlessly.

Reid smiled

They left the lab together.

Luke still had not told him about the money, but he planned to tell Reid about it in the morning.

As for the ability to read his mind, well...a guy had to keep some power over the most exciting lover he had ever known.

marsabi, lure atwt luke and reid, secret grimaldi, gay erotica, rating: nc-17, reid/luke, fanfiction

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