One Night Only - A Lure Prompt- Part Four

Oct 04, 2010 12:28

Title: One Night Only
Author: Marsabi
Summary: Based on a Lure Prompt. Luke gets drunk and has a one night stand with Reid (who did not know he was a virgin). They meet up again unexpectedly.
Disclaimer: Based on ATWT; sadly, I own nothing
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: none

One Night Only: Part Four

(Dedicating this part to Sexy Scholar... Without you, nobody else would be reading this story ...)

Luke palmed Reid's  erection through his pants. He stroked Reid slowly. Luke watched as Reid closed his eyes.

"Do I make you feel good?" Luke whispered.

Reid's eyes flew open. "Can't you tell?" he asked.

"Yes, I mean I think so...You know now how inexperienced I am-"

Reid kissed Luke firmly. "Shut up," he told him gently. "You turn me on, Luke. Everything you do feels good," Reid kissed him again.

"Really?" Luke's whole face lit up. Reid inhaled sharply.

"Well," Reid said teasingly, " we did only do it that one night, Checkbook, I mean I may need to test what I just said out a little more..."

Luke frowned. "Stop calling me that, please. Call me Luke."

"Make me." Reid smiled.

"Do you want me to push you up against the wall this time?" Luke laughed. "Slap you around some?"

Reid laughed too. The sound came out a bit rusty. It was a new experience to be so aroused and so amused by somebody at the same time.

"Just show me what you learned from our last time," Reid finally said.

Luke began to kiss Reid, gently at first, taking small nibbles at his mouth and neck. Then Luke sank his teeth into the vulnerable skin at Reid's shoulder.

"Too many clothes," Luke suggested. Reid was soon undressed.

Reid undressed Luke at a slower pace, tasting each part of him as he did so.

"Ahh," Luke sighed and groaned at the same time.

Reid smiled, "You like that?" He asked as he stroked Luke and then kissed Luke's open lips. Their tongues circled each other in an intricate dance. The room felt heavy and dark.

"Tell me," Reid ordered, "Tell me what you like."

"I- I don't know," Luke mumbled and peeked up at him shyly.

Luke dug his hips into Reid and moved up and down against him.  They were now skin to bare skin, both of them hard and searching for more contact.

"Lets find out what you like," Reid said softly.  Then he dropped to his knees.

"How about this?" Reid said softly. "Like when I do this?" Reid took Luke into his mouth. Luke's whole body thrust forward.

Reid sucked him deeply and then pulled out. Reid tongued Luke's already aching and leaking tip and then took him in again.

"Reid," Luke grabbed desperately at Reid's hair, winding his fingers into the thick curls. "You take me apart, " Luke admitted.

Reid released Luke and then turned him around. He began to kiss the back of Luke's knees. Luke groaned and opened his legs farther. He silently was begging, waiting for Reid's tongue.

Reid did not disappoint him. He thrust his tongue in and out of Luke, enjoying the moans coming from Luke's lips.

"I have some condoms in my wallet," Reid said . "Let me get one."

"No wait- " Luke reached out a hand. Reid arched his brow in surprise. Luke sure appeared ready for him.

"I mean- can I- do you?' Luke suddenly blushed. "I never have-" he bit a lip and stared at Reid hopefully.

Reid closed his eyes and moaned at the very thought.

He could only nod. Luke took Reid over to the hotel bed. Reid went to lie on his stomach.

"No," Luke said swiftly, "I want to see what I do to you. When I take you- "

"Luke- " Reid groaned again. "You're going to kill me."

Luke smiled wickedly, "I think you secretly want that. Hey, you called me Luke." He smiled in sudden delight.

Then they both stopped talking. Luke began to stroke Reid and kiss his lips, neck, lower stomach. The strong muscles contracted under Luke's hand. Reid's body was firm and his skin smooth and white.  Luke lowered his hand down slowly; he teased Reid's cock with his fingers.

Reid lifted up his hips and hooked his legs high up on Luke. Demanding and pleading at the same time. Luke wet his fingers and slid two of them into Reid. He didn't really know what he was doing exactly. He fumbled around a minute , before learning to stretch and then pleasure Reid. Luke bit his lips in concentration. He pushed his finger in and out.   Reid, meanwhile, was patient and encouraging.

"Tongue, " Reid panted, at one point.

Luke quickly obliged. He used his tongue  and then blew across Reid's opening.  Reid struggled to not just grab Luke and pound into him. Instead, Reid let Luke use his fingers again. And this time, Luke found the exact spot. Then, as Luke hit it, Reid simply moaned. Reid's hips bucked helplessly under Luke.  Reid's reaction to his touch made Luke happily hit the spot over and over.

Luke loved Reid's face like this. His eyes closed, lips parted. Reid was so beautiful. His normally stern expression was open and filled with anticipation. The sudden power over Reid felt delicious.  Luke rubbed his cock against Reid's hole. He removed his fingers, rolled on the condom, and pushed in.

"Do you like that?" He teased Reid. "Do you like it?"

In answer, Reid grabbed Luke's hips and pushed him down more. He forcefully began to move  and soon Luke picked up Reid's set rhythm. Luke rode Reid harder. The mattress creaked. The headboard rocked.

"Take me more," Reid commanded, "take me, Luke."

Luke pulled Reid's legs up higher and then he plunged deeper into him,  until Reid's hands clawed into Luke's back. Until Reid's eyes were glazed and his head rolled back.

"Luke," was all Reid could manage to say.

Luke's body was shaking with effort. Sweat gleamed on his skin. He reached for Reid's mouth and kissed him. Reid held Luke's face with both hands as they kissed.

Then Luke switched positions. He pulled out of Reid, ignoring his loud protest. In one enthusiastic pull, Luke moved Reid down to the edge of the bed. He grabbed him again, and Luke stood up. He met Reid's eyes. A look of possession and tenderness filled Luke's face. Reid felt his whole body clench in reaction.

"I think you might like this, doctor," Luke said in a husky voice. Then he caressed Reid with his hand, before Luke entered him again. Luke's standing up made him push deeply into Reid,  every stroke forceful. Reid's muscled legs pulled Luke closer. His lean fingers grabbed at Luke's waist. The tension built to a frantic pitch. Luke pumping and thrusting and Reid demanding more and more -----

Soon both men were lost in exquisite pleasure.

Later, after they both had slept, Reid turned and studied Luke's face.

"What?" Luke said, pulling a little self-consciously at the sheet around his body.

"Well, I gotta say, for a virgin once removed...Whoa."

Luke beamed. "I may be inexperienced but I've had years and years of frustrated fantasies."

"Can't wait to try a few more of those out," Reid said.

Luke watched as he climbed out of the bed, naked and relaxed.

Then Luke's eyes widened.

Reid had gotten up to go and devour all of Luke's leftover chili and ribs.

Luke watched in astonishment. Reid grinned and shrugged.

"I don't get much food at work," he sighed and licked sauce off of his fingers.

Luke laughed. "I'll be sure to keep you fed."

They didn't discuss what had just happened again. But as they worked together in the hospital on the new wing, they fell into a pattern. They would work by day and then Reid would come to Luke's hotel at night. They made love everywhere: the balcony, the shower, the floor.  Luke was falling more and more in love, and yet he was starting to become frightened. He saw a curtain go over Reid's face whenever the daylight came. Luke kept on trying to connect, and Reid kept trying to put up walls and boundaries.

"I don't get you," Luke said finally, He had stopped Reid in the hospital hallway. It was Luke's last official week in Dallas.

"What?' Reid asked.

"We have incredible sex all over the place these past weeks," Luke whispered, " yet you act like a stranger here at the hospital."

"What? Am I supposed to take you to your Senior Prom now or something?" Reid snorted.

"Thanks," Luke twisted up his lips, "but I'm out of high school."


Luke shook his head, "I'm on to you, doctor. I see you in there with Annie. I saw you singing Justin Timberlake to her and letting her draw those hearts on your arm."

"I don't know what-"

Luke snatched Reid's arm and rolled up his sleeve. Silly, pen-drawn hearts decorated his skin.

"You pretend not to have feelings, but I know you do."

Reid took back his arm and jerked his sleeve down. "Some of us can control our emotions."

Luke just stared at him.

"Fine," Reid said, "You want to draw a heart on my arm too? Sing Cry Me a River? "

Luke sighed. "You know, I'm supposed to leave for Oakdale next week. My grandmother and Eliza Judd are hosting a huge party."

Reid was silent.

"You could come with me," Luke suggested.

"I have work, my rounds..."

"My grandmother is thinking about having a new Neuro wing put in at Oakdale Memorial..."

"Of course she is, that woman is all over the place -she is like a secret agent or something."

Lucinda had visited the hospital a few days earlier. She had swooped in and bossed everybody around. She had flirted shamelessly with Reid and all the other male doctors. Reid had found her kind of admirable and kind of frightening. Just as Lucinda was becoming aware of Reid and Luke's relationship, business had called her back to Oakdale.


"Listen, Checkbook, I don't do rich people dinners and small talk."

"Reid-" Luke looked deeply into Reid's blue eyes.

"Annie is here." Reid said weakly.

"Annie is stable for now. Thanks to you. Come on Reid, there will be food."

"You and food?" Reid's mouth twitched. "It is tempting."

"Just think about it?"

Reid nodded.

Luke gave a glowing smile, hugged Reid quickly, and then looked at his watch.

"Time for my board meeting. See ya soon, okay?"

Reid's eyes followed Luke as he walked away. He gave a reluctant smile. Reid was learning who Luke was too. Luke was stubborn and loyal and so...affectionate. Reid hardly knew what to do about it. He was used to sex and temporary pleasure. But those Luke kisses...Luke's impulsive hugs. Nobody had ever really hugged Reid before...

A week later, Luke stood among the big shots of Oakdale. Everybody was there - his parents, the Hughes clan, the Stuarts...His grandmother and Eliza Judd circled the room like two veteran hawks, hitting up people for more hospital money and smiling at the same time.

Noah attended the party with Ameera, his arm around her. Luke felt very little about that. He only wished Reid were there. That he had his arm around Luke. But Reid had not shown. He had promised at the airport, when Luke had left Dallas...but he was not there.

Luke worked the room graciously; the way he had been taught. Besides, he honestly liked parties and people. But his heart was not truly in it.

Just then his phone buzzed, and Luke looked down at his text.

Sorry Checkbook, it read, work.

Luke sighed. Had he really expected Doctor Reid Oliver to come flying across the country? Reid did not have relationships and he had not promised anything. Luke looked at the phone and tried to think about what to text back.

A hand tapped him on the shoulder. "Late, caught a delayed flight, but still in time for the food," A deep voice said sweetly.

"Reid! " Luke looked at him in absolute delight. " You were just teasing me. You're here."

" You have great powers of persuasion," Reid smiled and gave Luke's cheek a gentle pat. "Although I really was running late because of work."

Luke caught Reid's hand in his own. He kissed the tips of Reid's fingers.

Reid looked at Luke seriously. Then his eyes moved behind Luke's head.

"Um, some woman is waving at us frantically," Reid said.

Luke turned. "Oh, mom. Listen, I want you to meet her. Wait here a second," Luke said.

"Terrific," Reid replied. "Can't wait." He watched as Luke went off. "I'll just help myself to something to eat."

Reid went over to the buffet table.

As soon as Reid began to gather up some thick slices of bread and mustard, a young man came up to him.

"I was watching you with Luke there, " he said. He talked in an almost robotic voice.


"You are together?" The guy asked.

"Observant," Reid drawled as he spread mustard and mayo and pickles onto the sandwich. "Who are you again?"

"I'm Noah," the guy said. He watched as Reid added meat to his sandwich.

"Luke and I  - I was Luke's boyfriend," Noah squinted up his eyes at Reid.

"Really?"  Reid chewed his sandwich slowly and methodically, " cause I heard it was the fairer sex that you are into giving the worst
 2-second screws of their young, female lives."

"Hey!" Noah sputtered. "I just came over here to make sure Luke was okay, I care about him -"

"No, I care about him, " Reid shot back, "And by the way? Medically speaking, switching sexual teams all the time might be a sign of overcompensating for lacking in other," Reid glanced up and down Noah's body, "significant areas."

Reid patted Noah's nice shirt with a mustard-stained hand. "You might want to see a urologist about that."

Reid did not wait for a reply. He picked up his colossal sandwich and left Noah standing there. Then Reid calmly walked over to where Luke stood, watching.

Reid glanced at Luke. "He might drive me to drink too, Checkbook."

Luke just shook his head. "Go ahead. Be obnoxious and call me whatever you want, Dr. Oliver," Luke's eyes were dancing and a smile formed at his lips, " You gave yourself away there.  I know you like me." Luke gave him a flirtatious glance.

Reid just rolled his eyes. "Let's not get sappy, okay?" He nodded towards the dessert cart. "Enough sugar is over there."

Luke just beamed at him. Reid reluctantly smiled and held Luke's hand.

A one night stand had turned into so much more.

The End

marsabi, one night only, luke/reid, rating: nc-17, lure_prompts, reid/luke, fan fiction atwt lure, lure atwt, lure_atwt, fanfiction, author: marsabi

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