Hit and Run Part 20

Jan 04, 2011 18:23

Title: Hit and Run 20 (LAST)
Author: Marsabi
Summary: After Natalie is a victim of a hit- and-run, Reid and Luke’s relationship is tested
Disclaimer: Owned by ATWT
Rating: PG
Warning: Fluffy and some strong language

a/n: This is it! Thanks so much for all the comments; it really kept me going. I appreciated every comment. Here is the end…

Part 20

Reid was dressed like a prince. He wore a fancy red and blue vest and shirt. He had a crest of gold decorated on his chest. His legs were in blue tights. Nervous sweat was starting to pool at Reid’s eyebrow, and he carelessly wiped it with a puffy prince arm.

“Do you see me?” Reid demanded.

“Oh God, “ Luke said.

“I’m ridiculous!”Reid moaned, throwing up his hands in despair. “And I don’t even know how this happened to me. One moment, I was seeing Natalie off and the next your family descended on me with crap about your mouse fetish and Valentine’s Day and -“

“My what?”

“And then I tried to tell you how you look and how I felt, but I end up shoveling cat shit, and then the next thing I know, Natalie has me getting out my credit card at a costume shop and - Look at me!”

Luke did. He tried to fight it, but a huge wave of laughter hit him. He gave a small pinch at his own arm to try and stop it.

“You’re bratty sister even gave me these cards, “ Reid babbled on nervously, oblivious to
Luke’s shaking shoulders and twisting mouth. “She was afraid I couldn’t remember. I mean, I told her I have a photographic memory!” Reid’s voice trembled with indignation, “ But she didn’t listen. “ He took an index card out from his pocket, “She wrote down word for word romantic things I was supposed to say.”

Luke was desperately biting the inside of his cheek now.

Reid read from the card in a robotic voice, “You’re my handsome prince and I’m going to be your prince too, “ He looked up at Luke with an incredulous, pained expression.

Luke couldn’t help a burst of laughter that escaped his lips.

“I don’t know how she got me to go this far, “ Reid was mumbling, “Your sister is ruthless. She’d be a great chess player.” Reid read another line, “We can be together and make our own beautiful castle of love.”

Luke held his side and tried to stop. It was no use. A great belly ache of laughter escaped.

“Oh shut up!” Reid said suddenly seeing Luke’s face, “quit it.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Luke held up a protesting hand, even as he roared with more laughter. “But your costume? Those- those words from your mouth,” He had to lean against a wall as he laughed.

Reid balled up the index card and threw it at him, “I hate you!” He said.

Luke only laughed harder, a partly nervous laugh, and a snort came out of his nose.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying this,” Reid said, but his lips twitched. “It is pretty awful, huh?”

“Terrible,” Luke agreed.

Suddenly, both of them were laughing. The sound filled the room.

Luke walked over to Reid and pulled on his puffy sleeve.

“Should I call you Charming from now on?”

Reid flipped him the bird.

They laughed harder.

“ Okay, not Charming, not at all,” Luke said, through his giggles.

“None of this would have happened, if you could just stay awake after sex,” Reid accused.

Luke cupped Reid’s disgruntled face. “Sorry.” He let his hand slide down Reid’s cheek gently.

Their laughter died in that moment of physical contact. Reid looked deeply into Luke’s eyes.

“No, I’m sorry. That I left tonight. But your family. The bridal suite, the speech, this outfit- I just panicked, you know?” Reid said.

Luke tensed up a little. He swallowed the lump in his throat and just nodded.

Reid took Luke’s hand from his face and just held it a second.

“I didn’t mean to leave; I just went into breakdown mode,” Reid admitted. “It was all too much.”

“So you came here,” Luke whispered seriously now, and understanding at last, “Where you feel safe.”

“Yeah,” Reid said. “And where we got so off track.”

Luke licked his lips. His eyes filled with mixed emotions.

He had no clue what Reid would do next. Now that he had laughed at him, Luke suddenly wanted to cry. He looked away and pulled nervously at his ear. “So…?” He said softly.

Luke looked to Reid then, as if to discover some part of Reid that had been eluding him.

“So,” Reid gazed around the exam room. Then he sighed. He looked at Luke’s hopeful face. “So. I hope Natalie and you will forgive me. But I gotta do this like me.”

“Are you,” Luke stammered, “doing it?”

“I’m wearing a fucking prince suit, aren’t I? I am doing this alright.”

“Okay,” Luke gave him a tremulous smile. Then he wiped more tears from his eyes. “And you, you trust me again?”

“It was never really you I didn’t trust!” Reid said quickly. “Did you think that?”
Luke wouldn’t answer.

“I’m sorry.” Reid glanced at him, “Is that why the cat and the skating and the rest? You were proving yourself?”

“Did it work?” Luke asked shyly. “Was it the public sex? I know you liked that part. Was it Reid Jr.?”

“It wasn’t the sex! And not the damn cat!” Reid laughed.

“Then what?”

Reid shook his head. He thought about the way Luke punched Chris, defended him to Lily, comforted him after they’d fought. He looked at Luke and wanted to tell him that it was everything about him. It was his very essence that Reid loved so much.

“I don’t know.” He smiled.

Luke smiled at him too. “You’re not mad about all that crazy stuff I did?”

“Well,” Reid drawled and rolled his eyes, “We may have to talk later about your family and boundaries…”

“Oh geez,” Luke said. “Let’s put that talk on hold.”

“Agreed,” Reid answered. Then he snuck a shy peek at Luke. “It was never you I didn’t trust -it was the rest.”

“The rest?” Luke looked puzzled.

“Our house, our love, our - life.” Reid looked down with embarrassment. “Look…I don’t usually end up with things like this or someone like you. I’m the guy who works all day and night and then comes home to a frozen dinner and an empty apartment.” He touched Luke reverently . “And then I met you. You turned all my expectations upside down. That’s what it took me awhile to believe in again - that I could really have a life with you that would last.”

“It will last,” Luke gave him a reassuring smile, ”Cause I love you. ” Luke leaned his forehead against Reid’s, and circled an arm at his waist.

“Me too,” Reid said thickly.

Then he tilted his head at Luke, “So why didn’t you just come out and talk to me about all this? Tell me how worried you were about the engagement ?”

Luke was quiet a long moment. “ I know I should have just been honest. But I knew I’d let you down before.” He struggled over his words, filled with raw emotion. “ And I was just too afraid of your answer.”

“And why did you take the rings off?” Reid persisted gently.

Luke buried his face in Reid’s neck and hugged him tightly.

“I think I know the answer, “ Reid said. He absently stroked Luke’s hair. “You were trying to do what you thought I needed. So you put the rings away. Even though you didn’t want to, right?” He could feel Luke shudder in response.

Reid wrapped his arms around Luke protectively. He even rocked him a moment. “Are you ready for your proposal?” Reid whispered in Luke’s ear.

A sob racked Luke’s body, “You, you don’t have to. I’m happy to be together. I-“

“Shut up,” Reid told him cheerfully. “Stop babbling. “

“Me? You’re the babbling one,” Luke replied . He was about to add more, when Reid held Luke away from his body and gently hushed him.

“Now-“ Reid said. “Don’t interrupt, okay?” Reid’s voice trembled with the true depth of his feelings.

Luke bobbed his head up and down. His fists clenched. He tried to freeze like a statue.

Reid squeezed Luke’s hand, and then he dropped down on one knee.

“ I’d rather be doing brain surgery in here right now, “Reid groaned.

Then he gazed up at Luke’s loving expression. Luke’s cheeks were pink, and he had a sweet, tentative smile of encouragement on his face. “Or maybe not,” Reid said softly.

He could feel Luke’s hand shaking in his own. Tears were starting again in Luke’s eyes.

“Watch the water works,” Reid advised dryly, “This costume is a rental.”

Then when Luke remained silent and waiting, Reid exhaled deeply .

“I love you,” he told Luke simply. “And I want you to be my husband and plan our wedding again and…” Reid paused nervously. “Will you please marry me? I really love you. More than junk food, more than brains, more than anything or anybody. Okay? That’s it, I guess. “ Reid shrugged self-consciously. “I said it… So will you?”

With a shout of undisguised joy, Luke hauled Reid up to his feet and hugged him tightly. “Yes! “ He said. “Yes, yes, yes!” Luke’s face flushed with happiness and he flashed
Reid his high-voltage smile.

Their lips met.

“Can I tell you a secret, Snyder?’ Reid said suddenly.

“You’d better tell me all your secrets, Dr. Oliver,” Luke teased in a choked voice and kissed Reid softly.

“ Earlier this evening? When I told you my number? You know, that was just my sex number. “

Luke sniffed. He wiped some stray tears away. “What do you mean?”

“My real number? My love number?” Reid smiled. “ It’s one, Luke, only one.”

With that, Reid slid the frog ring off of his finger and carefully placed it on Luke’s.

Luke’s whole face lit up with joy.

“The truth is- there’s nothing I want more in this wide world than to be your husband, “ Reid admitted.

They kissed again slowly and deeply. Their lips smacking as they parted.

“I’m sorry this wasn’t good like your proposal, “ Reid said suddenly, breaking it off with a guilty face. “That we’re in the hospital, of all stupid places.” He gave Luke a sheepish look. “ I wanted to romance you, I really did. I worked it all out with Natalie and it’s all waiting there. But-”

“Reid,” Luke put a finger to his lips, stopping his words. “You’re standing here, telling me you love me, wanting to get engaged again, wanting to become my husband .” Luke gave an elated laugh. Then Luke’s voice cracked with love, “ This - here and just like this - is the most romantic thing in my life, you big idiot. “

“Really?’ Reid exclaimed.”I did a good job?” Reid’s entire face was suddenly open and excited like a little boy’s, making Luke suck in his breath.

“A really good job,” Luke told him. “Just the way you did it.”

Reid grinned happily, and Luke sweetly kissed him.

“Although, I do have to thank Natalie for one thing.” Luke added.

“What’s that?”

“You look damn good in these tights. “ Luke laughed and ran his hand down Reid’s leg suggestively.

A moment later, Reid pulled back and sighed. “Well, everybody’s waiting to congratulate us at Lucinda’s party. We should go. They all expect me to be proposing right now at the bridal suite. “

“That’s nice,” Luke murmured, pulling him in for another kiss.

“Yeah, your family is excited. They must have called me a hundred times. So should we go?“

“Nope,” Luke nibbled the line of Reid’s jaw.

“No?” Reid said in confusion. “It’s almost midnight.”

“We’ll go and see them all and wish them a happy New Year,” Luke said gruffly, “ but much, much later. I want to spend a little time with you and me first. “ He nuzzled Reid’s neck and then sucked on the sensitive skin there.

“Just you and me,” Luke repeated.

Luke looked at Reid and gave him a melting smile full of promise.

“Just you and me,” Reid agreed.

He no longer felt silly standing in front of Luke in his prince outfit. Reid knew in that moment that he would love this man until the day he died, and that their love would last for always.

Just like a fairytale, they were meant for happily ever after .

The End

hit and run, marsabi, rating: pg, gay erotica, lure atwt, fan fiction atwt lure, author: marsabi

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