Hit and Run Part 15

Dec 27, 2010 11:56

Title: Hit and Run
Summary : When Natalie becomes a victim of a hit and run, Luke and Reid must fight for their relationship.
Disclaimer: Owned by ATWT
Warning: some angst, some Cake, some answers
Rating: PG
Part 15

It took about ten minutes for Alison to break down and confess the whole sordid event.

“Chris and I have been seeing each other,” she began, peeking a minute at a white-faced Casey.

“We’re in love!” She added defensively.

“Ali, quiet!” Chris ordered.

Alison shook her head adamantly. “I can’t do this anymore.”

“So you two were together, “ Reid said prodding her on, “the day of the accident.”

Ali bit her lip. She swallowed hard and didn’t dare look at all the Snyders. The Hughes family was also standing all around her. She couldn’t look at their faces either. “Yes. We were coming back from some …alone time. Chris was hung over, so I was driving the family car. I looked at Chris to just - just for a second - I swear! She came out of nowhere!”

“Why didn’t you stop, Ali? Why?” Luke’s voice was thick with hurt.

“We did!” Ali shot back. “We did. But I couldn’t have everybody find us, not together. I wanted to be with Casey - I thought it wasn’t love, not then…” She turned to Casey. “I couldn’t hurt you, not like I did before with Mick and ”

“Gee thanks, you bitch,” Casey growled.

Ali recoiled from him.

“Go on,” Jack said.

“Tell us,” Reid added.

Ali let out a shuddering breath. “I was trying to end it with Chris and still marry Casey, but I - I couldn’t resist him. “ She glanced at a sullen Chris, then continued, “ We did stop for Natalie, but…Chris looked at her. But he said we needed to ditch the car; he promised he’d head right back once he got his own car. He’d go back and examine her. We just had to -
“ Ali stopped talking.

“Get rid of the evidence?” Jack said in a chilly tone. Tom began to pace around the room, while Margo seemed frozen.

“It really wasn’t a hit and run. We stopped! We planned to help her soon. Chris went to his car and headed back to help her.”

Everybody looked at Chris.

His face was expressionless. “I don’t know what she is talking about,” he said.

“Chris did not do this!” Kim added, “You did it Ali and now you are blaming him. You are just like Susan!”

“Shut up!” Ali yelled back. She had actually just called her mother and Emily to hurry over.

“What did you do next, Ali?” Reid asked calmly. He was so logical and focused; he would have made a great Sherlock Holmes in another life.

Ali’s voice trembled now, ” I called Casey and told him- “ she stopped and cried some more.
They all looked at Casey. His face was pale and set.

“She called me and told me she’d had a bad fender bender- hit a dog or something. I saw the blood, but I thought, I swear, that it was a stray that had since run off.”

Ali nodded, “I told him that. Chris told me to tell him that.” She looked at Chris pleadingly. He ignored her.

Casey gulped hard and began to rush his words out:“I took the car, smoking and messed up, to the mechanic. Took Ali to change and go to the hospital…it was only then- “ Casey stared at Luke. “I - I didn’t know about Chris-“ Pain colored his words and he looked sick. “ I -I became suspicious, but everybody kept telling me I was being paranoid. That it had been a dog . Chris. Ali. Even you, Dad.”

“Casey, just be quiet,” Tom said. He stopped pacing and gave his son a look.

“What does he mean?” Margo asked her husband.

“The perfect son,” Chris jeered at Tom.

“Shut up , Chris. I covered up this mess to protect Dad. You told me it was Dad!”

There was a stunned silence. Tom Hughes had covered up a crime. He would be disbarred, maybe worse.

“So how does Bob tie into this?” Asked Holden suddenly, confused. Molly took his hand and held it. Holden refused to allow himself to cry. He repeated his question in a firm voice.

Reid’s mouth twisted up. “Don’t you see? Chris sent Casey on a fool’s errand with the car and then he began to change Bob’s medication as the fall guy. Might as well blame your own father, right?” Reid looked at Chris with disgust. “In your mind, Bob had already betrayed you by suspending you and never giving you the Chief job.”

“No,” Kim moaned, “no, no, no.”

“We are bringing Bob up from his cell right now,” Jack told them.

“I examined him there,” Reid said. “He is better now; I put him back on his real medication.”

“This is too much,” Lily whispered. She looked at Chris and Ali. “You have been in our home countless times. You’ve cared for Natalie at the hospital. How could you-“ She broke off and began to sob.

Luke put a protective arm around his mother. She clung to him. Reid walked over and patted Lily a little on her back. Lily looked up startled and then gave Reid a small smile of thanks.

The door opened and Bob came in. He had eyes for nobody but his son.

“Where did I go wrong with you, Chris?” Bob said sadly.

Chris exploded with anger. “Where did you go wrong? That’s right, I’m always the screw up. Tom is perfect; you’re perfect. I hate being in this family. “ He looked around wildly. “I should have been Chief! It was so easy to convince you, Dad, that you hit Natalie. You kept getting more and more confused. And your precious Ali?” He sneered at Casey, “Just a tramp as always.”

Ali sobbed, finally understanding that Chris had used her as much as the rest of them.

“I wasn’t going down for her.” Chris was raging. “ I woke up at the impact and saw what Ali had done. She and I had been drinking all night; we were tired and at fault. I wasn’t - I had her ditch the car, yes. But I did head back. “ He spared a quick glance at Lily. “I’m not a monster- I wanted to go back. But Margo was there- the police. The ambulance was coming, so…” He shrugged.

“You bastard,” Luke suddenly shouted, startling his family with his language. “Every minute for Natalie mattered.” He went up to Chris. “When I think of my sister struggling to speak a full sentence! Trying to get up from her hospital bed!” Luke screamed hoarsely. “ In therapy ever day, and you think it’s okay cause you were going back for her? “ Tears of helpless rage poured down Luke’s face.

“Easy,” Reid said to Luke, and he took Luke away from them all for a moment.

“Calm down,” Reid said softly.

“Don’t tell me I’m overreacting,” Luke replied heatedly.

“I’m not! Are you kidding? I want to scream a few profanities at him too.”

Luke sniffed, “Really?”

“Absolutely.” Reid gently cupped Luke’s face. “But listen. All yelling will accomplish is getting you thrown out of here, see? Take a breath,” Reid advised. He still held Luke’s face in his palm. He studied Luke, seeing that he was getting it together.

Luke turned his lips into Reid’s palm and sweetly kissed it. “Okay,” Luke said.

“Good,” Reid replied. “I don’t want you arrested right now for disorderly conduct or something. I love you, but I hate the thought of having to visit you in jail. The cells are too small, beds all narrow, and I’d have to fight for your honor with some guy named Bubba.”
Reid shook his head in mock horror, making Luke smile.

Reid smiled back, “There’s the Luke I like to see. “ He patted his cheek.

Together, they went back to the others.

“So Doogie,” Reid drawled ,” You were telling us all about your good deeds?”

Chris ignored Reid. He turned to Margo. “I went back. It was really all just an accident. “

“You father’s medication?”Reid pushed suddenly, “They just accidentally got switched too? You …What? Suddenly couldn’t read pill bottles? Became spontaneously dyslexic? “

Chris’s face went hard. His boyish good looks not disguising his ugliness now.

“Shut up, Oliver! None of this is your business!”

“We’re his family and this is his business ,”Holden said. “And I am wondering how any son could do a thing like that?”

“Chris,” Margo added in a sad voice, “To try and get a job is one thing, but to actually blame him for a crime?”

“ Look,” Chris searched his mind for a good spin on it. “…I didn’t plan to involve him at first. I only switched his medication to persuade Dad about Memorial. He was letting Oliver here take over everything! He didn’t see me! I just wanted to have some influence on him again. To have him make me Chief.”

Bob just sat in complete shock. It was Lily who actually got up and comforted him. Bob could not look at his son.

“I didn’t plan to do all this,” Chris defended his actions again. “Not at first.”

“Man’s a boy scout,” Reid muttered.

“So why involve Bob in the rest? “ Margo was demanding. “Why frame him?”

He shrugged. “ Carly would have been fine as my scapegoat. But it didn’t happen that way.”
Jack started at Chris, and he backed away. Margo held up a hand at Jack.

“But when Carly didn’t work out due to a lack of evidence, you decided to use Bob,” Reid said, he kept the interrogation moving as much as the cops. He wanted Chris to confess it all.

Chris glared at Reid. “I knew it was only a matter of time before the car might be found. Margo kept on digging.”

“And you went along with it,” Casey spoke suddenly to Alison.”You had me convinced my granddad was sick and that I was being silly about the car and all this time- it was you .”

Ali had been rocking back and forth in misery, crying. Now she looked at Casey, wiping away her black-streaked eye liner.

“I- I’m not a bad person,” She cried out. “I - Chris said if we let Bob take the blame that no court in the country would convict a confused old man, and I really did think his dementia had gotten worse. I didn’t know Chris had changed his medication.” She pulled guiltily at her hair, twisting it around. “ Plus, by then, I thought Chris and I were in love and it was more than a fling now… I - he told me what to do!”

Casey turned away from her.

“It seems the only one knowing all the information here was Chris,” Holden said. “He convinced Bob that he was guilty and then made Tom believe it too.”

Reid nodded, “Yep. Doogie is the definition of an opportunist. He used Casey and Tom to cover things up and let Ali think they had a future to keep her going along with it all. He could cover up the crime and be Chief.”

Holden and Reid nodded at each other - a good team.

There was a moment of silence as everybody took in the crime.

“Where did we fail?” Bob asked Kim sadly.

Kim shrugged away from him. “Chris, my Chris, is ill.” She told Bob in a pleading voice. “ He needs help!” She would never abandon Chris. She’d just have to make Bob see that he was sick and not to blame.

“I want a lawyer,” Chris said, not even looking at his crying parents. “And not Tom!”

“I wouldn’t represent you ever, “ Tom snarled.

“How could you be sucked into this?” Margo asked Tom sadly. “Even out of love for Bob? “

Tom had no answer. He was basically a weak man.

Margo wrapped a protective arm around Casey.

“I want a lawyer too!” Ali said. She tried to reach out for Casey, who shrank away and let Margo hug him tightly.

“You are all going to pay for what you did,” Lily vowed.

“For once, we agree,” Holden told her. Molly shot Lily a jealous look that everybody else ignored.

Meanwhile, Luke felt like he’d been punched in the guts. He leaned into Reid.

“You were right about Bob,” Luke whispered. “ I should have listened.”

“Doesn’t matter,” Reid whispered back and kissed Luke’s head.

“I’ll get out of this,” Chris was saying, “It was Ali driving, not me!”

Nobody even answered him. Bob was comforted by a compassionate Lily and Holden, while Kim dialed lawyers and cried. Susan and Emily arrived and hugged Ali. Jack checked in with Carly at their home.

Casey broke off Margo’s hug and slowly approached Luke.

“I’m sorry. I was such a fool to believe all the lies. I should have known . Listened to my gut. ”

Luke held out a hand, “It’s your family and your girlfriend…I -I’m sorry for you!”

The two friends embraced with great emotion.

Then they stepped back and watched as Ali and Chris were finally led to their cells.

Outside the station, Luke watched as Reid and Bob shook hands . Reid had offered to go to the hospital for Bob, but Bob wanted to go too. It was the only place left that still made sense to him. He and Reid agreed to go together. Their handshake went on for a long time, both men not wanting it to end. Luke was glad Bob would have Reid to help him. He waved goodbye and watched the car until it disappeared from sight.

“He was very good in there,” Lily commented, coming up behind Luke.


“Reid,” she said, “he’d be a good cop.”

“He’d enjoy the doughnuts anyhow,” Luke laughed, “And he is pretty much good at everything.”

Lily almost smiled at that. She reached out a hand and rested it on Luke’s shoulder.

“You really love him, huh?”

Luke shrugged.

“Don’t worry, I finally am seeing that. I guess, it’s been so hard, you don’t know.”


“Losing you.”

Luke looked at her in surprise. “Mom, you don’t have to lose me- “

“But I do. It’s right that I do. You have your own life, and that’s what really hurt me.
Seeing you move so far from me and be with Reid.”

“I’ve had other boyfriends,” Luke replied, puzzled.

Lily shook her head, “Noah was more like another son. He followed my rules. He never took you far away from me. But with Reid, it’s adult. “

Luke was silent a second. “I guess, that’s true. I mean with Reid I am trying to build a whole partnership -a life.”

Lily nodded. “And that is what’s hard for me- to let you go. Really let go. I see now that I was blaming Reid, and I’m sorry.” Lily wiped away a stray tear. “ It’s just I have no husband- my house is empty. I don’t know how to be without a man,” Lily admitted quietly. “And without all my kids too. Faith hates me most of the time, Ethan always wants to be at the farm . Natalie went to you.” Lily dabbed at her eyes.

“Mom, Natalie is just with us for this week. Reid told you she can move back to your house by New Year’s.”

“I know, but she is my baby,” Lily smiled. “It’s still hard. I guess I need to work on being okay when I’m alone.” Lily took a deep breath.

Luke smiled and hugged his mother. “You’re not alone. I am always a phone call away, alright?”

Lily hugged her son with all of her strength, “Thank you. My sweetheart. I love you.”

“I love you.”

“Good thing Reid’s not here,” Lily added.

Luke stiffened, “Why?” he asked cautiously.

“Cause, “ Lily laughed and made a face, “he made it pretty clear to me- no more drama. “

“Yeah,” Luke laughed too, “that sounds like him.”

She took her son’s hand, “He and I are very different people, but I am going to try a lot more with him. Okay?”

Tears formed in Luke’s eyes, “Mom,’ he said, “That means a whole lot.”


The next day, Reid and Luke attempted to meet and pick up some dinner from Al’s; Reid had worked round the clock at the hospital again, trying to help an emotional Bob focus. This was Luke and Reid’s only time together. But as soon as they entered Al’s, they saw Casey sitting there, not touching his giant cheeseburger and fries, and looking lost. Luke and Reid exchanged glances and slowly approached him.

“I just can’t go home,” Casey said to them in greeting.

“Sorry,” Luke said to him.

Casey shrugged. “Love sucks.”

“You’ll find another girl someday,” Luke said softly, “ You’ll love again.”

“I don’t know," Casey said. “I might be done.”

“No,“ Reid said, “Luke’s right. Just get back out there, there are lots of other cheating lying girls in Oakdale.” He ate one of Casey’s fries.

“Reid!”Luke scolded.

But Casey gave a laugh and then laughed so hard he held his sides, “Yeah, I’ve already dated some of those too. Emily? Vienna? Ali? Oakdale ladies all. ”

Then to all their surprise, Casey grabbed Reid and squeezed him. “Thanks. I don’t know the last time anybody made me laugh.”

“Um,” Reid actually blushed, “I’m going to go and get our take out order.”

Luke smiled in amusement. He winked at Casey. Then he followed Reid up to the counter.

“Listen, I know we made plans at home to eat, but -“ Luke gestured to Casey.

“No, okay,” Reid said in understanding, “go and do what you need to do.”

“You don’t mind?”

“Well, I’ll miss you,” Reid grinned, “but I have some nourishment so- “

“You’ll survive on chili and corn bread,” Luke added with a returning smile.

They kissed goodbye. Luke let his eyes admire Reid in his jeans as he left.

Luke went back to Casey and they sat together eating awhile in silence.

Casey finally spoke. “I know Ali did the crime too and God I hate her, but Chris- he just messed with everybody in the family. All of us,” Casey’s voice roughened.

Luke did not answer. He had nothing good to say about Ali or Chris.

“I thought Ali changed, after Mick Dante. I thought she really changed, “ Casey added.

Luke sighed. “I used to think things like that- not anymore. People don’t change really.”

“What do you mean?”

“I used to think like that with Noah. That if I just worked harder at it, if I were just was a little better a boyfriend -“

“Luke, you were a great boyfriend to that loser.”

Luke grinned. “But he never made me feel like I was…I just kept thinking if I worked more at it, he’d change. He’s stop judging me so harshly or appreciate me more- he never really did. You know? “

They fell into another silence.

“Well,’ Casey said, “my parents have been great. Dad is admitting what he did and facing the consequences and Mom has been awesome to me.”


“But things are so screwed up. You’re so lucky, Luke, “Casey said suddenly.

“What? Why?”

Casey took a bite of his burger. He shrugged. “You family is pretty solid right now and you’re with a guy who really loves you.”

“Yeah-“ Luke said, although he felt a little sad at the word guy and not fiancée.

“What?” Casey asked, seeing his friend’s look.

“It’s nothing, stupid.”

“Spill. I want to hear something other than Poor Casey right now.”

“I just wanted to get married in this coming year to Reid and now…Cause we fought and you know-“

“Over Natalie, right? God, that is on my family too.”

Luke waved his hand away, ”No, that’s on me. I messed up with him. Anyhow, I don’t think marriage is coming this year or any time soon.”

Casey chewed a moment. “Let me ask you a question.”


“Can you see Dr. O ever running around town cheating on you? Lying about things and sneaking around?”

Luke shook his head. “No.”

“Yeah, me either.” Casey smiled. “That guy has it so bad for you ,Snyder. So what does a piece of paper really matter right now?”

“I guess,” Luke said slowly and he did feel better listening to Casey. “It’s just, hard to explain, but it is something I really, really want with him. That’s all.”

“That’s cause ever since we were kids you’ve been just a girly-girl at heart,” Casey tossed a fry at Luke.

Luke caught it and popped it in his mouth. “More man than you are, Hughes. I can still whoop your ass on the basketball court.”

“In your dreams.”

“We’ll see when the snow is gone. “

“It’s a bet,” Casey told him.

Luke smiled at his oldest friend, “I love you, Case, “ he told him. He hated to see Casey
hurting so deeply.

“See?” Casey made a face, “You’re a total girl. “ Then he reached out and punched Luke lightly on the arm in thanks.

Casey sighed. “I probably do need to date outside of this town. “ Casey looked at Luke a moment, “Dr. O doesn’t have like some smoking hot sister, hidden away some place does he?”

Luke laughed. “Not that I know of.”

“Too bad, man, too bad.”

hit and run, rating: pg, lure atwt luke and reid, lure, gay erotica, fanfiction, author: marsabi

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