Hit and Run Part 11

Dec 16, 2010 08:42

Title: Hit and Run
Author: Marsabi
Summary: Natalie is a victim of a hit and run. Reid has broken off his engagement to Luke, but they are trying to work it out. At this point in the story, Luke plots with his family about how to romance Reid back.
Warning: None
Rating: PG
For sleeper6 -thanks for some inspiration!
A/n: Even if you have not been following this story, this can also be read as a one-shot on Luke wooing Reid

Part 11

“It’s a kitten!”

“That is not a kitten!”

Reid glared at the animal. It was not a kitten at all. It was an enormous, white and orange colored cat. The thing had rolls of fur hanging out and, here was the truly creepy part to Reid, it had only one eye. One piercing blue eye. There were scars where its other eye should be. The cat regarded Reid with what he could only describe as a pissed off expression on its feline face. It let out a single “Meow,” and then curled up again in its basket.

“And you can name it,” Luke bounced up and down on the bed with excitement, “and we can care for it together - “

“I’m not naming this…creature.”


“Look, I don’t even like animals.”

“You just never had a pet, “ Luke dismissed.

“And cats? They shit in a box, right?”

“Well, some cats go outside, but due to his past with other cats and his sensitive nature -“

“Sensitive what?” Luke had clearly lost his mind!


“And this is not even a kitten -“ Reid added “ you got me a one-eyed fur ball.“

Luke blushed.

“Okay, well, it was supposed to be a kitten “ Luke thought briefly about Ethan being disappointed there, “ But when I saw him,” He pointed to the giant cat, “ All majestic, but sad - he’d been beat up by another cat, poor guy so - “ Luke broke off and offered Reid a hopeful smile. Reid remained stony-faced.

“Are you telling me,” he said to Luke, “that you got me a one-eyed, fat loser cat?”

“He’s a lover, not a fighter. Besides, the man at the shelter told me they were about to gas him, what was I supposed to do?” Luke defended himself.

“Uh- let him get gassed?”


“What?” Reid shrugged. “ His carcass would go to some lucky med student who could slice him and dice him.”

Luke quickly ran over and covered up the cats ear’s “Don’t talk about dissection in front of R.J,” he hissed out.


“Reid Junior,” Luke said smugly , “Since you refuse to name our pet, I just did.”

“Listen up, “ Reid told the cat in a stage whisper, “First we used to skin you guys, then take a really sharp knife and - “

“Hey!” Luke cuddled the giant cat.

“We are not keeping him.” Reid said firmly.

Luke held Reid Jr. protectively. The cat licked a paw and glared over at Reid.

Luke carried him to the bed.

“Luke, no way!” Reid said, “There are no -“

“Don’t even say pussies-“ Luke warned.

“You said it for me,” Reid smirked. “ And there are none of those in our bed.”

“Okay, fine.” Luke’s face turned pouty. “ Reid Jr. can go back into his basket. “ Luke marched the cat over. “But at least try, please? For me? Give him one touch? He really is soft. Well, once I brushed out those clotted bits of fur. ”

“Has he been checked for vermin?”


Reid looked at Luke’s big eyes and sad face.

He extended one, reluctant finger out

R.J playfully swatted at Reid’s hand.

“Jesus!” Reid quickly drew back. “He tried to attack me!”

“He was playing.”

“And I need all my fingers to operate on people, Luke.”

Luke put the cat down and put his hands over his eyes and rubbed them. “This is really not going according to plan,” he mumbled.


“Nothing. I said - give the cat a few days, okay? I really can’t stand the thought of him killed at some shelter.”

“They have no kill ones - “ Reid started to offer.


“Why is this so important? “ Reid asked.

Luke shrugged. “It would be our pet in our home…” His voice trailed off. He couldn’t add that it was another major way to tie them together.

The cat meowed loudly and cleaned its fur with a scratchy tongue. Luke bent down and cooed to it.

Reid sighed. “Okay, alright.”

He would sleep on this, Reid thought, and figure out a way to talk Luke out of the cat in the morning.

“Great!” Luke beamed. Reid would sleep on this, Luke thought, and come to realize a pet was just what their relationship needed .


A day or two later, Reid came down to the kitchen furious. His skin was still wet and he was wrapped only in a white towel.

“What’s wrong?” Luke said.

“That creature is trying to shower with me!”Reid fumed, pointing to Reid Jr. who had just sauntered into the kitchen and began to greedily eat his food. The cat took massive gulps of his food into his mouth.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Luke said, “Cats hate water.”

“Not this one,” Reid said, “I opened up the glass door to grab my razor, and he was just there- staring at me- watching me with that one eye. “

Luke’s mouth twitched. “I like to watch you shower too.”

“And he tried to sneak in,” Reid continued, waving his hands in the air. “His fur is all over the bath mat. I think he is going into the tub when we’re not here.”

Luke picked up R.J and stroked him. “Paranoid much?” He said to Reid.

“Fine! Take the feline’s side,” Reid turned on his heel and charged back upstairs. “I need to go to work.”


The next day, they found a few small scratches on the couch, and a hairball that Reid Jr. had coughed up by the bed.

“We just need to make a connection with him,” Luke told Reid. “He needs to know we care. “

Reid scowled, “I don’t want to bond with a cat,” he told Luke.

“But you want to bond with me, right?” Luke smiled. “And I want us to bond with Jr.”

“Can we please find a new name?”

“Sure, what do you want to call him?” Luke asked sweetly, “I’ll change it as soon as you pick a name out.”

Reid wondered if he could get the beast to leave by opening the back door and spreading out a trail of tuna fish that led to the woods. Reid grinned at the thought.

“See?” Luke said, pointing to Reid Jr. near Reid’s feet, “You’re starting to like each other.”

Yes, tuna might tempt him away, Reid thought, and nodded a fake smile back at Luke. Or maybe he could just drive him to an open field and ditch him, Reid mused. Cats weren’t like dogs, were they? They lacked a homing instinct.

“I really think you guys are starting to bond,” Luke was saying. Reid glanced down as R.J. hacked up another fur ball at his feet.


Reid, stop drinking from the toilet!

“What?” Reid turned around nervously.

“Reid Jr. “ Luke clapped his hands. “I said stop!”

Every time Luke left out the “Jr.” part of the cat’s name, Reid would be startled.

Reid , stop pawing at the crotch of my jeans!

Or Reid, potted plants are not food!

Luke would shout out these things and fluster the real Reid. The cat would not react to Luke’s scolding at all. He would just lazily stroll away, swooshing his tail in defiance.

“Stop,” Luke yelled again, as the cat tried to swim in the toilet.

He glanced at Reid. “Okay, he does seem to like water.”

“Told you.”

“Well, I can read some cat training books or something,” Luke offered.

“Or we could return him.”

“Reid, you don’t just give back a pet,” Luke admonished him, “Is that what you’d do with a problem child?”

Reid suddenly got an image of kids surrounding Luke. They were spilling red punch all over the carpet, swinging on the drapes, and taking off their dirty diapers - all while Luke sat there with a glowing, dopey smile reading books about building up a problem child’s self esteem.

Reid started to sweat. He had never been so happy that he and Luke were gay, and Luke could not just get “knocked up.”

“I guess we can work with the cat,” he muttered now. Better a cat than something else!

Another day passed.


“Okay, Luke, now I’ve had it!” Reid came stomping out of their bedroom.

“What now?” Luke asked with a sigh.

Reid pointed to the cat, “He got into my box!”

Reid kept a shoe box full of junk food in their room.

“That cat ate it all! My twinkies, my chips, my- “

“Boy that can’t be good for Reid Jr.,” Luke said in alarm, “maybe we should see the vet?”

Beside them, R.J was just sniffing the air and rolling around on his back, exposing a massive belly.

“He’s a devil-cat,” Reid was fuming, “he must have climbed up and pawed open my box.”

Luke’s eyes open wide, “How do you know you didn’t leave the snacks out?”
With a suspicious glance at the cat, Reid ran a hand through his rumpled hair.
Luke mouth twisted up suddenly with an urge to giggle, “Maybe if you ever fed Jr. , “ he told

Reid pointedly, “He wouldn’t be after your stash.”

“Fine,” Reid said. “I’ll feed the creature. Right now!”


They all went into the kitchen. Reid made a big deal out of finding the can opener and taking out R.J’s food.

Luke’s heart soared. Maybe Reid would finally learn to care for Reid Jr. now.

But then Luke heard Reid, gagging on the smell of wet cat food the entire time.

Watching Reid’s weak attempt at care, Luke suddenly was done. He had enough.

“That’s it!” Luke declared and marched up the stairs. Reid looked up from where he was still spooning out Fancy Feast. “What?” He asked. Luke didn’t answer.

Reid looked down at the food and his stomach turned. Why did cat food smell worse than any ER filled with blood and guts?

He frowned down at the big cat circling his feet. “This is your fault, you snack thief.”

The cat meowed.

A second later, a still angry Luke marched back down the stairs, holding a stuffed gym bag.
Just the sight of Luke with a packed bag made Reid’s stomach clench with panic. He wouldn’t leave him again, not over a cat, would he?

“Let’s go,” Luke snapped, handing Reid his coat.


“It is your day off, right?”

Reid gave a wary nod.

“We’re going to the Snyder pond.”

“The pond?” Reid said baffled. “Luke, it’s like 15 degrees outside!”

Luke handed him a hat, “Suck it up.”

“Uh, you haven’t decided to drown the cat in the pond or anything, have you?” Reid asked. “He isn’t that bad.” True, he had been plotting ditching the creature, but nothing violent.

“Don’t be stupid,” Luke told him, “the pond is frozen. Besides, Jr. is staying here. “

Reid followed Luke out the door. His boyfriend was acting truly crazy, but at least Luke was still his. He was not running away or anything. He’d take crazy Luke over leaving Luke.

As they left, Luke couldn’t help feeling furious. But not at Reid, at himself. He should never have started with Ethan and the kitten/cat idea. Who takes love advice from a six-year old? No, Emma’s idea was a whole different story. She had been married for like 20 years, before Harvey Snyder had passed. Happy, married years.
Luke snuck a glance at Reid as he drove them. Okay, Reid Jr. had not won him over, but this date surely would melt even Reid’s stubborn heart. Luke smiled. Reid was bound to be impressed.


“Are you sure it’s frozen?” Reid asked, bending down and inspecting the ice.

“Yes.” Luke said, lacing up his skates. “I’ve been skating here for years and years.”

Reid frowned, “I don’t skate. I’m going to fall on my ass.”

“Aww,” Luke came up to him, “And it’s such a cute ass. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”

Luke imagined the two of them skating around in romantic circles, holding hands. This was definitely going to work.

Reid bravely laced up the skates. Luke took his hand and helped Reid wobble out to the icy pond.

“You’re doing great!” He enthused.

Reid began to fall. The tangled together. They had not even gone two steps.

“I can’t,” Reid adamantly shook his head.

“Come on, try?” Luke pleaded.

Reid sat on the cold ice and refused to budge.

Luke bit his lip. Then his face lighted up. “Okay, you stand over there, and watch me.”

“Watch you?”

“Well, I don’t mean to boast,” Luke grinned proudly, “but I am kind of good at skating. I can skate like you can play chess. Watch this!”

Luke did a fast circle on the ice. Reid watched. Luke spun quickly around, and then he raised one leg straight up in the air. He spun again.

He skidded to a stop. “Well?”

“Well, I already know how flexible you are,” Reid smirked. “But not bad.”

Luke beamed. He could tell Reid was actually impressed. It wasn’t often that Reid was impressed. Luke racked his brain for another skating move.

“Here I go!” He shouted to Reid and skated quickly across the pond. Luke leaped. He did a jump. His skates smoothly hit the ground. He did a toe loop next and a single lutz. Luke gave a cheesy bow. He was even better at this than he remembered!

He saw Reid actually take out his phone and take his picture. Luke became really excited. He leaped into the air again.

Just a few more moves, and then maybe he could get Reid out on the ice again. They’d skate and kiss and it would be perfect. Reid would soon demand to get engaged again --
Luke decided to do his own invention a super-duper jump and twist. He launched his whole body up -


“Are you okay?” Reid yelled. He wobbled to his feet. Then he baby stepped, his arms out in front of him like a robot, over to where Luke had fallen .

“Yeah,” Luke rubbed his shoulder.

“Do you need me to take you to the hospital?” Reid managed to get to him and bent down to examine his arm.

Luke moved the arm up and down,” No, see. It’s fine.”

A stain of humiliation touched his cheeks.

What really hurt and was sure to be bruised, was his butt. Luke could just hear the snarky things Reid was going to say when his ass turned green from bruises soon.

“Listen, Brian Boitano,” Reid was drawling , snarky already, and he did not even know about Luke’s sore behind, “What did you think you were doing?”

“I can do that move,” Luke said hotly. “It’s just been awhile. “

Reid’s mouth quirked in amusement. He helped Luke up.

Luke’s eyes suddenly narrowed, “Are you laughing at me?” He demanded.

“Of course not,” Reid said smoothly. “It’s the cold air, it makes me shake.”

“You can let go of me,” Luke said, pulling away with as much dignity as he could manage. He
was going to have to ice his ass tonight in secret.

Reid tried to hide his laughter. He couldn’t wait to get Luke home later and give some TLC to his clearly hurt backside.

“We can still skate, “ Luke said now, but his own enthusiasm was waffling.

“Not me. Can I just go and enjoy my day off in quiet?”

Luke sighed. Where had he gone wrong? He’d rushed the whole skating date. He should have practiced his jumps first, and then taken Reid to the pond.

Reid gave him a friendly pat on the tush and Luke tried to hide a wince.

“We could stop by Emma’s,” Luke offered, “for some of her pie.”

“Now you’re talking!” Reid grinned. He took off his skates in clear relief.

If only he could cook like his grandma, Luke thought. That was clearly the way to Reid’s heart, but Luke’s skills were limited to eggs or pasta. What could he do? What else did Reid love?

Faith’s dirty suggestion entered Luke’s mind. Well, if he couldn’t lure Reid back to their engagement with romance and sweetness, then maybe it was time to try something else entirely!

They went to Emma’s for pie.

Luke plotting all the way…

hit and run, marsabi, lure atwt luke and reid, gay erotica, fan fiction atwt lure, author: marsabi

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