Hit and Run - Part 6

Dec 09, 2010 22:03

Title: Hit and Run
Author: Marsabi
Summary: Natalie is hit by a car. Luke asked Reid to operate and he refused. It was a conflict of interest.
Warning: none
Rating: PG

Part 6

“Calm down, Nancy Drew.”

“If you could have seen Carly,” Luke insisted. Then he winced as Reid dabbed at his cut.

“Just cause she’s drunk doesn’t mean she’s the driver who hit Natalie,” Reid argued logically. “There are lots of drivers out there drinking. ‘Tis the season.”

Reid smoothly got ready for the stitches near Luke’s forehead.

“I guess, “Luke muttered. “But I still need to talk to the police .”

“And you should,” Reid agreed as he prepared. “But don’t jump to conclusions, okay? Think it through first. No wonder you suck at chess.”

“You told me my game was improving,” Luke protested, trying not to watch the needle.

Reid was firmly holding his head. But now he paused a moment and shot Luke a grin, ”Of course, I’d say that. But I wanted to see you naked, “ He added wolfishly.

Was Reid just flirting with him? Luke wondered, and his mouth went dry.

Their eyes connected hotly. Then Reid looked away. He busied himself with the needle.


Casey had left quickly, after pouring out the whole Chris story to Reid. Luke knew he had been just trying to help fix the tension, but he wished Casey had not told Reid all the details. He was feeling foolish.

At first, Reid’s eyes had gleamed as he listened to the whole story, but then he had scolded Luke.

“I appreciate your kicking Doogie’s ass on my behalf -“ Reid had started to say.

“Well, I don’t know if I did that,” Luke had grumbled, “Since I’m the one at the hospital.”

“I don’t know, if that glass hadn’t shattered down on you,” Reid had made two fists and pretended to dodge at Luke, “You might have made me think I was dating Mike Tyson.”

Reid had snuck a few glances at Luke then, listening to Luke’s short laugh.

Then Reid had waved a finger at him more seriously.

“But don’t do it again, okay?” Reid had pursued his lips. “Let me handle Chris.”

Reid’s cold expression had made Luke uneasy.

“Don’t go and mess up your hands on Chris,” Luke had said.

Reid had smiled. Luke was so impulsive. “I’m not going to go and hit him,” Reid had told him calmly, “But I will get him back… when the time is right.”

“How?” Luke had asked suspiciously.

Reid had just taken a moist cloth to wipe up the blood on Luke’s face. Reid had stared at the blood a second, and his face had hardened. “I’ll think on it.”

After years of chess, Reid understood how to patiently wait for an opportunity to attack.


Luke hadn’t meant to bring up his suspicions about Carly to Reid. But it was troubling Luke. And it distracted Luke from the conversation he needed to have with Reid - the one that had his stomach in knots.

“You really don’t understand Oakdale, do you?” Luke said now, as Reid got ready to stitch him up. “I mean most people would be telling me not to run to the cops yet. Talk to Carly. Talk to Jack. Maybe keep things secret. Not you, you’re such a straight person.”

At the word straight, Reid gave Luke a look.

“Okay, not straight,” Luke laughed, then flinched as his cut stung. “But logical or whatever. You may think I’m jumping the gun, but this is my town. Let me tell you. Oakdale has no circumstances or strangers- everybody and everything is always connected.”

“I know this is practically an impossibility for you,” Reid replied as he loomed over Luke’s wound, “but can you stop talking even a minute? I don’t want to mar your beautiful skin. Or do I need to tape your mouth shut?”

“Ha ha,” Luke said stupidly. He couldn’t think of a snappy retort. Did Reid just say his skin was beautiful?

Luke’s heart beat faster.

He watched as Reid concentrated on stitching his cut. Reid’s eyes were focused now, and Luke let own gaze wander over his beloved’s features. Reid’s chin had a small start of stubble, his hair could use a cut, and Luke wondered briefly if he had ever really studied the deep, red color of Reid’s lips. They were perfect lips. Reid’s every feature was perfect. His high cheekbones and strong jaw and what was just underneath those scrubs. Jesus. The thumping in Luke’s heart turned painful now. He missed him. Luke’s breath caught. He missed Reid so much. The ache of it might never go away. Luke barely felt the needle at work.

Reid smoothed back Luke’s hair and applied the last stitch. Then he caught the longing in Luke’s face. Reid did not want to respond to it, but his fingers took on a life of their own, gently pulling on the soft, blond strands. The procedure was finished, yet Reid could not seem to stop his hand from lingering .

Luke was still gazing up at him with his doe-colored eyes. Reid’s hand rested at his hair. Then, like a force of gravity driving him in, Reid planted a sweet kiss on Luke’s head.

“All better,” he said huskily.

Reid’s eyes dropped to Luke’s generous mouth. Luke saw and his lower lip jutted out.

Reid leaned down to kiss him.

“No,” Luke said and got away from him. He shook his head.

Reid’s face turned hurt and Luke hurried to explain.

“I want to, so badly. But I can’t .” Luke turned from Reid. “ It would kill me to hear you say again how I don’t matter to you now. How this is just - nothing!”

Luke grabbed blindly at the door handle.

“Luke,” Reid called, “Wait!”

But Luke didn’t wait. He fled. He ran down the hall and to the elevator nearby. Reid called again. Luke pushed the elevator button and prayed for a quick escape. He pushed at it impatiently, until the doors finally opened.

Luke stumbled into the elevator; Reid was quickly at his heels. Reid pushed open the elevator door right before it closed on him.

“Listen,” Reid said.


Reid swore under his breath and then he hit the stop button. The elevator groaned to a halt.

“You just stopped the elevator, “ Luke said, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand.


“So, you’re afraid of elevators.”

“Hey, I’m not afraid!” Reid said indignantly, but his eyes had already darted nervously around the small space.

Luke didn’t answer.

“Look, about before,” Reid fumbled over his words. “I might have been exaggerating a little bit. “

“Exaggerating?” Luke folded his arms across his chest.

“A little bit.” Reid tried to tug Luke’s arms open.

They studied each other. As Luke searched Reid’s face, he could feel some of his hurt start to fade.

“Sex with me is not meaningless?” Luke asked, but his tone had softened

Reid groaned. He looked all around the elevator, trying to determine how to avoid any more talk. “Are you really going to make me say this?”

“I think so, yes,” Luke replied. He came closer to Reid. Their eyes flirted.

Reid slowly looked Luke up and down.

Their eyes met again. Luke gave him a tiny smile. Reid cupped the side of Luke’s face and ran a thumb down Luke’s cheek to chin.

“Every single time I have ever touched you,” Reid said finally, “has been full of meaning.”

Luke raised his hand and held Reid’s palm against his face.

Lips hungrily tasted each other. Reid’s hand caressed the base of Luke’s spine and he pressed him close.

“See what you do to me?” Reid sighed against Luke’s mouth.

“It was sweet. I liked it,” Luke smiled.

“That’s cause you’re a sap who probably has secret stock in Hallmark,” Reid mumbled, and worried briefly about the way the ceiling of the elevator suddenly looked lower to him. Tighter. He tried to focus on Luke.

Reid kissed Luke’s lips again, his neck. He lifted up Luke’s hand and kissed that too.

All the teasing suddenly stopped for Luke. He needed more. He gave a half-strangled cry and launched himself at Reid. He knocked them both to the ground.

Luke practically crawled onto Reid’s lap. He frantically kissed him over and over.

“I want to come home,” Luke cried out.

Reid opened his mouth to receive another kiss. As their lips merged, a small part of Reid couldn’t help but notice how close the walls were getting. Sweat began to form on his brow.

Luke was playing with the top of his scrubs; clearly about to take things to the next level. Reid grabbed his hands and stopped him.

“What?” Luke said, his voice trembling with sudden emotion. Reid wasn’t changing his mind? Had Luke just made a fool out of himself again?

“Didn’t you say you want to go home?”

Luke nodded and bit his lip hopefully.

Reid swallowed hard.

“An excellent idea. Let’s go. “

Luke beamed.

Reid gave Luke a nervous smile, “Just get me out of this damn elevator,” he growled.

Understanding now, Luke kissed him again, while his hand reached up and hit the button.

The elevator went down.

a/n: This isn’t a fade out; this scene continues into part 7, but I wanted to split it up. No sense rushing good make-up sex LOL

lure atwt luke and reid, fandom: luke and reid atwt, lure fiction lure, hit and run, gay erotica, reid/luke, author: marsabi, fanfiction

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