Hit and Run - Part 3

Dec 03, 2010 11:56

Title: Hit and Run
Author: Marsabi
Summary: Reid and Luke are happily engaged and living together, when a sudden event causes Luke to break it off with Reid. This is also my story for Natalie. I always loved her for hugging Luke at the end of ATWT. At this point in the story, Natalie has been hit by a car, and Reid does not want to be the one to operate.
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Angst (but this is the worst of it- promise )
There is one mushy/fluffy/sappy flashback to help ease the angst

Part Three

“I don’t understand,” Luke said softly. “Is it like a legal thing?”

“No. “Reid shook his head. “We’re not married, and that would hardly matter because it’ll be a gay marriage.”

“The state is considering making it legal right now,” Luke murmured, not even sure why he was even talking about it. A few days ago that had seemed so important to him and to their future.

Reid shrugged. “Even if Natalie were my sister, the legal part is murky and varies from state to state.”

“So?” Luke rose to his feet. He shot Reid a confused look. “Reid?”

Reid did not answer a moment. He stood up and then took Luke’s hand.

“I have a friend, a great neurosurgeon and she is on her way right now. “

Luke pulled back his hand. “But Natalie needs you.”

“She very good,” Reid repeated.

Luke’s chin jutted out. He stepped back from Reid.

“Is this doctor better than you?” Luke asked simply.


“Is she?”

Reid swallowed. “She’s excellent. I -“

“Is she better than you?’Luke repeated, enunciating each word with a hard emphasis.

Reid stared at him a moment. “No. Not as good as I am.”

“Then you’re operating, “ Luke told him.

How can Reid even hesitate? Didn’t he hear Bob? Natalie could be brain damaged or unable to walk again…I know what that is like. I remember. Agony. My baby sister. Doesn’t he get that? Reid has never been helpless. Depending on others to help you to the bathroom. Unable to join her friends. My beautiful, ballerina sister - not able to run or dance. Or she could be blind like Noah. Bitter and angry and lost. Or worse - her mind might be damaged. She won’t even know me. Be a vegetable. God no! I remember the day she was born. So tiny. So perfect. She won’t remember how we all love her. The day I bought her that red and white stripped blanket for her first Christmas - the one she carried around for five years- until it was nothing but shreds. She won’t remember ... Or even worse. No! Not Natalie! I need Reid. I can’t chance my sister’s life on a stranger.

Reid was pacing back and forth. He ran a hand through his hair.

“Look…My emotions are all caught up in this… and I don’t think-“

Luke went over to Reid again and took him by the shoulders.

“I know you, Reid. You can put aside your feelings and focus on the medicine like nobody else. You did it with Noah; you can do it here. “ Luke gave him a slight shake. “ You told me in the hospital to be tough and do what I needed to do. Now it’s your turn.”

“Luke-“ Reid bit his lip. The rejection already in his eyes.

“No!” Luke shouted, his own eyes filling with tears.

“You will do it!” Luke put his hands out and butted against Reid, almost like an animal. “You have to!”

Reid shook his head.

Luke suddenly dropped down to his knees. He grabbed at Reid and rested his face against Reid’s belly.

“Please? For me?”


“ Please, Please. Please! If you love me -“


“If you do-“

“Don’t say it.”

“Then you’ll do this.”

Why doesn’t Luke understand? I can’t! If I go in there and operate -if I make a mistake. If she dies on the table -I can’t! One hesitation, one bad choice - no. No! Luke would never forgive me. I would never forgive myself. I can’t, can’t -

“No,” Reid said. He felt a pressure building up inside of his skin.

“No?” Luke shut his eyes.

Reid is letting me down? He said no? The one person - the one person I thought never would. My parents always did and hurt me and each other - over and over. And Noah? All he ever did was reject me, when I needed him the most. But Reid, my Reid - he’s my rock. He’s my everything. And he is telling me no? This cannot be real; it isn’t happening. Reid wouldn’t turn me away when I need him so much, would he?

Luke opened his eyes and looked at Reid.

Luke kept shaking his head. “This makes no sense.”

“I would be- my emotions are,” Reid struggled. “I’m with you and my emotions are with you.”

The day was breaking in half: before and after this moment.

Luke looked like a kicked puppy.

“So because of us,” Luke said slowly, “you won’t do it?”

“It’s a confli-“

“Yes!”Luke snapped. “A conflict of interest.” His eyes turned cold.

Luke retreated from Reid and charged up the stairs.

“Where are you going?” Reid asked, following him.

Luke sniffed loudly and grabbed a suitcase. He began to throw in his clothes.

“What are you doing?” Reid said again, only this time his voice was chilly.

Luke laughed bitterly. “What does it look like? I am leaving you. I’m removing the conflict, doctor. You can proceed now.” He tossed more belongings into his bag.

“How can you do this?” Reid replied, stunned. He went to grab Luke’s hand. Luke shook him away.

“How can I not?”

Luke is leaving ! He is walking away. Again! Just like when he thought I’d chosen my job over him. But this is a thousand times harder. I hadn’t completely let him in back then. I had held back a tiny piece. But now. He owns me. Doesn’t he know that? I’m his. He’s supposed to be mine. And not hurt me. He is hurting me. I trusted him with my heart and I never trusted anybody.

“If you walk out now,” Reid said in the quietest voice Luke had ever heard him use, ”Don’t come back.”

Luke stumbled a moment and stopped.

They stared at each other like two people separated by a huge abyss. Hurt was etched on both of their faces.

“I gotta think about Natalie right now,” Luke finally said. “I can’t do this with you.”

“You’re breaking up with me? “ Reid said numbly.

Luke ran down the stairs.

“Luke!” Reid yelled from the top.

Luke’s heart pounded. He paused and looked up at Reid.

“Take this!” Reid shouted ,” I no longer have a use for it.” He yanked off his engagement band and threw it down the stairs at Luke. Then Reid disappeared back into their bedroom.

Luke swallowed hard. He picked up the band and put it next to his own one. They both rested now on his ring finger. Then he left.


The ground felt unsteady beneath Reid’s feet. He walked over to the bed and clung to it. He gazed helplessly around.

There was Luke’s pillow, on his side of the bed. He kept his books to read on the night stand, his water glass was still half-full. Reid reached out and ran a hand down the imprint of Luke’s head, still there from the morning. He picked up the pillow and held it, squeezing tightly. It still smelled like Luke.

After a few moments, moments that seemed like an eternity, he dropped the pillow and stood up.

Then Reid went back to the hospital to be with Natalie.

Luke drove wildly. He didn’t care that he was speeding. He didn’t care about the fact that the car was almost out of gas. He just drove faster. Finally, he arrived. But he could not get out of the car. Luke sat outside of his mother’s house, frozen and shaken. He rested his head on the car’s steering wheel.

Luke wanted to go backwards in time.

Part of him wished he could just turn around and make up with Reid. He was already regretting some of the things he said. But another, stubborn part of him could not let go of the idea that this was still best for Natalie. He needed to push Reid for her sake.

He knew exactly the moment in time that he’d like to be in. In the darkness of the car, the memory made Luke smile, despite everything. He touched the glittering engagement bands, still both on his finger.

He’d go back to the moment that he had proposed:

They had been playing chess. Luke had planned it for weeks. He had carefully hidden the ring.

He had recently surprised Reid with a chess clock. It was one of the newer, digital models.

“I would love to do rapid play,” Reid said excitedly, like a kid at a birthday, “ but maybe I better start you at the typical 5 minute game.” He was rubbing his hands together.

“Are you saying I’m too slow?” Luke pouted. Then he sent Reid a teasing look, “Cause Chris has been saying for months that he can beat you. You could play him.”

“On my worst day- this queen” Reid pointed to himself,” can destroy that miserable pawn.”

The clock beeped. Reid hit it and moved.

Luke tried to concentrate on his game, but all he could think about was the ring and his plan.

The clock beeped.

“Luke, you can’t keep your finger on the clock.”

“Huh? Oh, sorry.”

The clock beeped.

Reid put Luke in check. Luke’s heart began to pound.

The clock beeped. Luke pressed it firmly down.

“Hey, don’t beat up the clock!” Reid told him. He shot Luke a quizzical look. “What is wrong with you?”

“Me ? Nothing.” Luke licked his lips anxiously. He knew checkmate was only a move or two away.

The clock beeped. “Checkmate.” Reid grinned.

Reid knocked over Luke’s king, just as Luke knew he would. The ring tumbled out.

Reid picked it up. “What’s this?” The grin on Reid’s face slid away as he caught the gleam in

Luke’s eye. Reid gulped hard suddenly.

“Marry me,” Luke smiled.

Reid held up the ring and looked at Luke. “Um, this is a ring with a tiny frog on it. “

“I know. “ Luke beamed at him. “I love you. Marry me.” Luke patted him. “ Okay? Please?” Luke added politely.

“A frog ring?” Reid asked, but he began to nervously finger it. “Are you saying I’m an amphibian? Or maybe you want to get married at the Snyder pond? Or is it that you expected me to croak at the sight of a diamond. You are a rich boy, you know, you can afford some white gold.”

Luke reached out and touched Reid again. “Stop it. You’re babbling.”

“I know,” Reid answered. “Believe me, I know. I just I -“ There was amazement in Reid’s voice.

“I’ll get you a real one soon,” Luke promised, “ but I got this cause,” He gave a melting smile. “When you kissed me, you became my prince.”

Luke took the ring from Reid’s hands.

“That is the dorkiest thing ever,” Reid drawled, but then closed his mouth as Luke dropped down on one knee.

“All my life I’ve been lucky” Luke said slowly, “ cause I’ve been loved. So I thought I knew what falling in love meant. “ Luke shook his head. His gaze intently on Reid’s face. “But I had no clue. Until you came and showed me. That love that doesn’t hurt or judge or…That love can be trusting. It can be fun, joyful, and passionate. Hot! And I promise to love you back just like that -always. Forever. Faithful. If you’ll have me.” Luke searched Reid’s eyes. “ I love you so much. Will you please be my husband?”

There was a silence.

“Okay,” Luke said. “I’m done now.” He bit his lips nervously because Reid had turned away from him at the word husband . Luke cleared his throat with determination. “Look, okay, I know how you feel about gay marriage or just marriage in general. I’m ready - give me the speech about how a piece of paper doesn’t make it last. “

Reid did not answer. Luke felt his heart pound. “Reid?” He gently turned Reid to him.
Luke was stunned to see that Reid was truly crying. Sobbing silently. He leaned in and kissed his boyfriend’s salty tears. Reid gave Luke a tremulous smile and then he reached down and hit the chess clock.

“What are you doing?” Luke frowned in sudden confusion.

“I’m resetting it,” Reid’s voice was thick. He brushed a few more tears aside.

“You want to play chess again?” Luke sounded exasperated. “I mean I know you love the game, but right now-“

“No ,” Reid laughed. He gave Luke a loving slap on his cheek. “I love you, idiot. So much.”

“So what’s with the clock then?”

Reid gave him a flirtatious glance. “I was just wondering how many moves it takes me to get you naked.”

“Uh, let’s see. Less than one?” Luke laughed.

The clock beeped and Reid pushed the button. Their mouths met in a smoldering kiss. They sank down together on the couch.

The clock beeped . Their clothes were already half-off. The kisses became fierce. Reid started to make love to Luke earnestly. His hands worshipping Luke’s flesh, touching every part of him.

The clock beeped. Neither man cared any more. They were naked and tangled up in each other. Then Luke tasted Reid, sucking gently. Reid tasted him back. They did not worry about protection on that special day. They prepared each other with their tongues. Teasing licks. Then plunging in and out . Both deeply sucking. Urgency building. Until Reid palmed Luke in his hand, pressed him down on the sofa.

Reid held Luke’s fingers up above his head. He looked into Luke’s face as he entered him. Their eyes remained open. Their gazes on each other. They smiled. Then Reid began to move deeply inside of Luke, releasing his hands . Luke grabbed at Reid’s firm buttocks and pushed him deeper inside. Reid gasped.

“I love making love to you,” Luke whispered.

“Glad to hear it,’ Reid answered mockingly, but his body told another story. It trembled at Luke’s words. Reid bent down and nibbled at the delicate slope of Luke’s neck. He slid his hands underneath Luke and lifted his body up. They were nothing but flesh and blood. Luke still stared up at Reid through his lashes. Reid’s face almost one of anguished vulnerability, a soft near-cry escaping his lips. Bodies writhed. The sound of panting filled the room.

Another hard thrust. Another exchange of caresses. The building warmth made Luke flush. He gave into sweet release.

Reid’s mouth moved up and down Luke’s body, rained kisses on him, even after they had climaxed, like he could never get enough.

Together. Together always.

“By the way,” Luke said, satisfied and making lazy circles with his fingers on Reid’s skin, “No pressure or anything…But was that a yes?”

That was it. Luke knew now in his gut that he had just made an awful mistake. He wasn’t putting his trust in Reid, and he had vowed that he always would. He was being foolish. He was about to start up the car again and head back to home. He had to fix this with Reid. They could figure it out.

A tapping on his window stopped him.

“Luke!” It was Faith. Behind her, Holden was also coming over. Faith opened Luke’s door and embraced her brother. “I’m so glad you are here! I need you.” She began to cry. Behind her, Holden looked wrecked. Luke felt torn; he looked down at his car keys and then up at Holden and Faith’s tormented faces.

He put the keys into his jacket pocket. Then Luke helped Faith into the house. Holden followed them. He would just have to make things right with Reid in the morning.


lure fiction lure, hit and run, rating: nc-17, gay erotica, lure atwt, lure_atwt, author: marsabi, fanfiction

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