Jul 11, 2010 00:01
- 15:28 @ cazrolime me too. Wish we'd've had more free time to hang out there. we'll do it later though for sure. #
- 15:29 This RT @marisaroffman: BTW, if anyone can figure out cloning before #SDCC let me know #
- 16:12 RT @21121: I just caught two fanboys in the Walmart parking lot taking a picture of the Kojima logo sticker on the back of my car. EPIC #
- 16:19 RT @21121: One was saying to the other, "I'm gonna take a picture of this and send it to my friends." I lol'd. #
- 17:59 I'm sick of having to play director because she wants to sit around and relax. Just do what you said you'd do and you can relax all you want #
- 20:00 Tie 1 twitpic.com/248bdo #
- 20:02 Tie 2 twitpic.com/248byu #
- 20:04 Which one? Tie 1 or Tie 2? For Ianto costume. (See previous 2 tweets) #
- 20:24 @ EmperorOfNerds Thanks. #
- 20:25 @ burntpopcorn Thank you. #
- 20:29 @ blonde_vixen jesus, what happened? You can email or text if you prefer. :( #
- 23:55 @ choujiinator D: D: D: Goodnight. #
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