Dec 04, 2005 00:55
things i need to focus on.
Saving money, and cleaning after myself. By that i mean taking better care of my car, and my room. I have totally let myself go on things like that. So tomorrow, i am going to clean out my car and clean my room. just thought i would let you know that, you know just a few things that were bugging me.
Another topic, i have completely quit smoking pot. as much as i used to. I have made an 8th of weed last me for almost three weeks now. yeah thats right. I have almost weaned myself off the desire to smoke pot. Well that and no one i know smokes it, so it kinda sucks getting high by myself. Also, getting the product is so much of an inconvience, and to be honest i am completely lazy. thanks pot for making me too lazy to smoke you. ha ha ha.
lets see what else, well work is going well, and that is good. I cannot wait until i am completely comfortable, and i can sell it like whoa. (as rachel would say)
walter will be here soon. i am so excited to see my best friend in the entire world.
christmas is coming. whoo ha!
i bought the new death cab for cutie album, and i ordered the ugly cassanova cd. moms xmas gift is done. dads will be with the next paycheck. grams too. and ill be done.
so all in all, things are fine.
and thats all i got to say for now. pea sah biotches.