Lots of superhero goodness in the coming months for me, excelsior!
Of course X-Men:Last Stand is out next week. It looks promising. I just want to hear Kelsey Grammer's Beast say "Oh my stars and garters!" I hope to see it Thursday, but if money is tight it'll be Friday.
Then of course there's Superman Returns. Singer's X-Men movies were great, but I am worried. This will either be the masterpiece Superman 1 and 2 are, or the crap Superman 4 or Batman and Robin were. I don't think it can be in the middle. Supes is my favourite, so I really hope its the former.
Following that, there is Justice League Heroes coming for the PS2 and X-box. It's by the people behind Baldur's Gate. This is only 2 player not 4 though. It allows you to play as 1 (or 2) of 7 Justice Leaguers. Here's the link
http://uk.gamespot.com/xbox/rpg/justiceleagueheroes/index.html Then there's Marvel: Ultimate Alliance for the X-box 360. Like X-Men Legends (currently playing the 2nd one), you control a team of superheroes. This boasts a choice of over 20 (with more unlockable) and the ability to customize the look, name and vehicle of the team. It also has much better graphics then XML (the cell shading looked aweful). I hope it features Deadpool.