Sorry for not updating in so long, but I've been feeling very lonely and tired and I got quite depressed: a small forgotten machine on a planet a long way from home, and felt like just giving up. But then I thought "No, damn you, don't give up.
No matter how bad things get,
real explorers don't sit around feeling sorry for themselves. Imagine if
Prof Pillinger were to see you now, sniffling and complaining and wanting to give up!"
So my mood is lifted, and I am feeling stronger than ever. I can feel my arm really well and I even have a bit of movement in it (it hurts a little, but I can be brave). I think the reason I can't move more is that
my "clamshell" style casing hasn't opened fully. It's in the way of my arm and it's also blocking my solar cells from catching the sun properly so no wonder I keep feeling tired and falling asleep.
My next job is to get my casing open. I'll throw everything I have into it - pulling on the hinge cable as hard as I can and pushing with my arm from the inside. Wish me luck.