
Aug 27, 2008 14:32

I am so incredibly out of it. I'm sore, and tired, and sdajhfbkjherw. And I am the worst at managing my time. But tomorrow I get my lunch pass so I can go home for lunch or something. Hah! Also, my school (a.k.a., THE WORST SCHOOL IN THE WORLD. SRSLY) will not sell me a locker until next week. I AM A SENIOR, DAMNIT.

This means that I have to share a locker with my friend Robyn. Who is sharing her locker with her boyfriend Ian. Which means that I am kind of infringing on their relationships with my massive notebooks and textbooks.

One morning Camile went to my locker with me. She knew that I was sharing it with Robyn. So when I opened the locker she looked at the large picture of Ian and Robyn kissing and said to me, "What if someone passes by and sees this picture of Ian and Robyn kissing and they think you're a freak?"

"I'll be out of here soon enough," I told her. Then on my way to American Government (I HATE THAT CLASS), I remember that I forgot a paper in the locker. So I see Jessica and ask her to go back to my locker with me. She does and we walk together back to the 900 building. As I'm pulling out another binder Jessica spends the time viewing all of the pictures in what she thinks is my locker.

A burger, some T-shirt company, and... Robyn and Ian kissing. I see the picture out of the corner of my eye.


"Oh," she says, laughing. "I was wondering who that was."

I'm a dork.

And a funny jumping picture of Heather :D
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