Basement interactions

Dec 20, 2010 17:22

[Admittedly this is mostly because none of my guys have really have a basement adventure... that, and this guy really needs a reason to be out and about (and out of his and his husband's room.]

It was odd, and odd was something the Russian disliked immensley. Especially this type of odd.

He didn't remember coming to this place, barely able to make out the walls either side of him and the sound of chattering ahead. It looked, well, it looked dark as all hell, but it felt like a tunnel, a sudden feeling of claustrophobia slowly washing over him as his steps hastened to get to the end of this ever-narrowing hallway. It felt like there were things behind him and, regardless of the fact that he had no idea what they were, he was adamant that they were not going to catch up with him.

There was a light, dim at first, but then the thing ray widening, the sudden influx of white blinding him for a few moments. In a bid to sheild his eyes he threw his arms up, his eye wincing shut, only to open a fraction as he heard something. A dull, heavy thud.

"If you would just sign here Mister Gorbachev..."
    "Yesli vy prosto voĭdite zdesʹ Mister Gorbachev..."

What was this? Who was this 'Gorbachev'? Why did this look like the White House!?

He didn't really have time to find out and it seemed that it didn't really matter, the Russian's muscles writhing under his skin like serpants in a sack as his body seemed to spasm and fit on it's own accord. Cuba, China, Poland, Hungary, the Baltics... They were leaving him, all of them- he could feel it... They were literally tearing their dependence on him out from the core... And they were doing it all in one horrendously swift motion.

He heard his breath rasping before he realised he was still breathing, the inflating of his lungs just enough to get him to lift his head. He could see them now, the backs of the Baltics, Poland and Hungary leagues ahead, China not that far behind- not a look back or a pause in their steps in sight. He could almost feel their relief and jubilation, as if this room had decided to reward his work in the Union with an over- intense dose of empathy, the last people in front of him were his sister's-  Ukraine with her back to him and Belarus looking down on him, her face set into a insidious smile.

She calmly knelt down to his level, stroking his hair with silk-soft fingers before she held out her hand. The movement dainty, just under his chin.

"Sestr-" He moved to speak, but gargled, a thick red protruding from his lips to his horror. His little sister seem less horrified, letting it pool in her hand and pulling it to her lips, as if taking in its scent. It seemed to appease her, just a little and, with some care  to her appearence, took a finger and coated it, applying her brother's refuse to her lips.

"Is a good apology gift, but there is not nearly enough for all that you have done." Her tone was level, regardless of the shock that blossomed across his face, her eye steely as the glance to the back of his older sibling, her back still to him "Do you not think sestra?"

If she could have answered he supposed she would have, her face particially disfigured, burned and heavily affected by the heavy dose of radiation it suffered in 1986. He had no idea how he knew that... but he did. All that nugget of information did for him was bring up more of the metallic tasting crimson that was flooding his senses, his eyes roaming upwards once more as he found the energy to wipe his jaw, only for to be once more snapped open, the motion enough to start his cramping nausea once more.

He couldn't focus on anything other than the puddle between his hands, and the wide array of hands that moved between them- feminine, masculine, gloved, bare, small hands, large hands... the amount was dizzying, but however much he wanted to, he could seem to stop himself wretching until every hand was coated with crimson and after no one else seemed to want a second coat. There was still anger though, and it buzzed in the air like a intermission. He felt he could suffocate on it if it fizzled around the room any longer.

"This isn't enough!"
  "Gott Verdammt!"
    "This is a joke!"
      "Blame my brother for your shit and this is all we get back, you gotta be shitting me!" 
        "I totally deserve more than this! I totes remember Katyn!"

He felt a strong grip on his arm, then another, crimson-clad fingers like claws as the pawed through his clothes, ripping apart his coat and shirt to get to his flesh, taking hold and pulling it from his bones as if it were fruit ripe for picking. The pain was excruciating, but the flesh seemed to come away far too easy. Perhaps... They really did deserve it...

He wasn't entirely sure how long it lasted for, but it ended with his sisters- Ukraine almost reaching through him as if to get at his organs and his sister, his sweet little sister calmly moving her hand to his chest, through the flesh and grabbing at his heart.

"Sestra..." His tone was weak, risking his balance to reach for her wrist "I... I need that..."

She laughed, the sound acidic as she gave another sharp twist, the twisted figure of his older sister still looming over the both of them "You have no need for this, and will be fitting payment for all you did to us, da? What you will do?"

He shook his head, the movement loose as he did so, trying desperately to scrmable forward towards his sister's legs "Nyet! No! I did it for you!!" He managed to crawl a few frantic inches closer, his words trembling as they fell from his lips "I did it all for you-"

"All I want is for you to leave me alone." Her voice was just above a hiss her grip like irom as she grabbed his jaw tightly, now pulling up to eyeline "It is all I've ever wanted from you, and it is the one thing you will never give me..." Her voice was lowering by the second, becoming more masculine as it continued, his face being grabbed by another hand, this one coated in leather, his face whipping round to stare up at his brother, the wedding band he wore held between his fingers, his eyepatch lost for the moment and the wound dripping with decay.

"All you do is bring me greif, whoever I am..." The Russian tried to fight his brothers hold, for a moment forgetting his balance to bring his hands up to pulls agaist his brothers grip, but it did little to budge it. His brother took advantage of the the russian lack of balance, lifting him upwards, the sound of electricity flickering as the walls flickered to life, screens upon screens of video footage. It was a room, full of cameras and a scene he never wanted to see was playing on repeat.

"You want to know what you have done? See for yourself." The words were barely above a snarl "I did THIS all for YOU." 

aph_dressingroom, basement

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