Dear Matt (
Today we bought two volumes of Fables, which are sitting right beside me, and yet here I am proposing to you on LJ. That alone should tell you how much I love you (and how much of a romantically-challenged dweeb I am), but I CAN'T RESIST RAMBLING MOAR ♥
You smell irresistible. You have a sense of humour that will keep me laughing until we get really old (both with wispy whiskers) and die. You introduced me to Doctor Who, so basically I owe you my life ( btw David Tennant needs to marry us). Our first date was as weird and crazy and perfect as you are. You tolerate my PMS and I tolerate your manstruating. No one is as cuddly as you are. You love cats...THANK GOD. I love your eyelashes, even though they're longer than mine. I'm sure you can tell that I'm really sleep-deprived and I will continue telling you how fantastic you are forever and for always. I want to spend the rest of my life with you - will you please marry me?