Because you are as awesomesauce as awesomesauce can be, and you totally linked me to this community knowing what effect it would have on me, here you are:
Lovely Mar/
moon_overdose (lol, remember this one?)/my fellow companion at
You put up with me even when I am being childish and fangirly and obsessive and stupid and a downer and all those things that I am most of the time. We have a son whose name I can't remember and now we have a girl named Delilah (doesn't matter that you wanted to name her Ryan. God.) You have the coolest hair color ever and I have the coolest hair style ever, we just match. You are an idiot and so am I. You write, I try to scribble a couple of nice sentences in the palm of my hand and we just...complement each other like colors? (Yes I totally threw a PlayRaidoPlay! lyrics in there, shut up.)
You also bear with me when I'm obsessing over someone and I want to show you a cool fic I found or a picture of Greta breakdancing (I didn't show you that one, though, did I?) AND you wear icons I made. Yes, you wear them, like it's a scarf or a dress.
You are sticky and so am I so we just stick together and dance around in different fandoms. Though they all contain a very high level of smut and dirty talking and cool shizz like that.
You also put my name in almost every single A/N you write (and you have lots of A/N's in lots of different fics) and there are only a couple of things that make me grin like that, becuase you put me like "the usual" and, just, how happy does that make me? It is wya too happy.
Okay I take that back, never too way. Always, incredibly happy.
You fight with me and treat me like I'm only prooving your point by acting all mad and stuff (and I can't write when I'm heated so...) and I kinda want to slap you and grab you by the hair and leave you hanging from the Brooklyn Bridge. Which is totally awesome because then you can take pictures of New York.
And I've said awesome lots and lots of times.
I am ridiculous and so am I. And yes, I did mess up that sentence, I meant 'so are you' but I'm not gonna erase it because it's funny. But you are ridiculous. Which is awesome.
Anyway, I'm rambling and I don't even have the decency to put a cool picture here or anything. My wedding gifts will be a handbasket full of icons.
We share Lyn-z, Lyn-z and JWalk, Frank, and loads of other people whose names I don't remember.
Anyhow, here are my cool wedding rings:
They look kinda cheap don't they? Oh well. They're cool. And unconventionall. sort of.
And a hug that's ten times like this one:
And a cool pic of Jon and his elbow-twitch (because I am too cheap to give you the original. JON WALKER IS MINE. Though by law it will be yours too from now. Hm. okay, okay, you can cuddle with him once a month, how does that sound?):
(Of course you can also have anything you want from Lyn-z me and bla bla everyone we love and have the hots for. sort of.)
So, like:
wow, this is big O.o and i could sooo go on.