For You I Will

Feb 28, 2011 16:12

Title: For You I Will

Pairing: Kyumin (Min Girl!), Ryeomin, Haehyun (Hae Girl)

Genre: Drama, Romance

Rating: PG13

Type: Oneshot

Warning: Genderswitch, Sungmin is younger than KyuWookHae!!!

Summary: Idk how to summarize this one..(mianhe)..*_*..

A/N: Another KYUMIN fic…I do own this fic but the boys own theirselves…This fic is dedicated to Riyu unni...This is for you Unni, my make up fic…^_^…I know this is crap and failed…I just know it!!..>_<…Excuse me for the errors…Just bare with it again chinggus…^_<…


“You know what baby?...You look so gorgeous tonight.”…

“Stop it Wookie!”..She slightly punched his arms…

Ryewook and Sungmin settled in the bed and start chit chatting…

“Just leave your boyfriend and be mine already.”…Ryewook caressed her cheek..

“You’re always doing this Wookie oppa and you know that my answer is still the same.”…Sungmin said with sarcasm…

“Yeah, I know…That’s why I’m always teasing you right?”…Ryeowook nonchalantly said…

“And that’s why…I’ve never doubted our friendship.”…Sungmin mumbled…

“Yeah-yeah…I already know that.”…Ryeowook exclaimed…

“And you know that I love Wookie oppa right?”…

“Blah…blah…just get up now and go home.”...

“Are you sure?...You seem so flushed oppa.”…

“Don’t worry Min...I’ll be fine.”…Ryeowook patted her head…


“You’re already drank Kyuhyun.”…

“No, I’m not…I’m just a little tipsy, that’s all.”…Kyuhyun chuckled…

“Kyuhyun will always be Kyuhyun.”…Donghae thought..

Kyuhyn can’t stand with it anymore and just throw up, luckily, he did throw up in the bathroom and his friend is laughing at him…

“Stop laughing at me noona..As if you’re not doing this too.”…Kyuhyun said as he wash his face..

“Whatever maknae!”…Donghae retorted…

Kyuhyun sit beside Donghae and a smirk appeared on his handsome face…Kyuhyun being the evil one leaned forward and attempt to kiss Donghae..He’s going closer and closer until their face is an inch apart…Donghae on the other hand didn’t move and just stared at him, obviously smirking…

“You can’t do it Kyuhyun and I know you wouldn’t...Even before you’ve never tried…hahahaha”…

“Noona…You’re always teasing me.”…Kyuhyun crossed his arms..

“That relationship is absolutely a sibling love, maknae.”…

“Totally noona but at least I’ve tried though…I really can’t..hahaha.”…Kyuhyun pout…

“Yeah right, you better go home now…


Donghae and Kyuhyun went outside of the hotel room and still laughing non stop…They’re talking some random things…As Kyuhyun and Donghae walk in the lobby the younger of the two tiptoed due to clumsiness good thing Donghae having the fast reflex she had catch the latter before he fell down on the ground…

Sungmin did walk alone and didn’t bother Ryeowook to accompany her since he’s not feeling well…The cute girl is giggling, she doesn’t know why but one thing for sure it’s about his lover…She did turned right and it just happened that Donghae and Kyuhyun did turn too..It means they’re facing with each other in the opposite way…The 3 of them are just gawking with each other…Sungmin seeing Kyuhyun with another girl makes herself want to cry in there but instead of crying she death glared Kyuhyun…Donghae noticed that look and just bow her head…Just in time Ryeowook came yelling with Sunmgin’s name…

“Min, you forgot your co-..He cut himself out…

Ryeowook didn’t finish what he has to say as he saw Kyuhyun staring back at them definitely glaring at him with a hint of anger??..The petite guy just avert his sight to avoid those striking eyes…Both parties are gazing with each other…Asking why the hell are you him/her eyes…


“I can’t believe she did this to me hyung!..She’s with another man!”…Kyuhyun shouts…

“Kyuhyun, maybe she was just visiting Ryeowook…That’s all.”…

“I don’t believe it hyung, but why of all many people it must be Ryeowook!?”…

“Kyuhyun, Ryeowook is Sungmin’s bestfriend!”…

“I know hyung…I just hate that guy, he’s always snatching Minnie with me...And his taking advantage of her right now!!..”…Kyuhyun yelled…

“Stop yelling Kyuhyun!”…Leeteuk scolds him…

“What if something happened to them!?”…Kyuhyun made a fist.

“Sungmin wouldn’t do such a thing like that.”…

“I know but…I can’t help to think about it hyung.”…Kyuhyun sigh..


“Minnie, stop crying.”…

“Oppa, Why it must be sniff Donghae unni?”…

“Princess…sssshhhh…Kyuhyun said he was getting something with Donghae and it just happened that it’s her birthday too.”…

“But he didn’t bother to tell me oppa.”…Sungmin still sniffing…

“If he tells you, would you let him too?”…Hangeng asked as he wiped her tears away…

“Idk…Maybe yes or….not..I just really don’t know.”…

“Just talk to him.”…





“Can you bring Sungmin to your room?”…

“Why hyung?”…

“Kyuhyun is here with me…hurry up!..I think he’s going upstairs.”..

“Alright, I’ll try.”…

Hangeng put down his phone…

“Oppa, who did call you?”…

“Princess, let’s go to my room.”…

“Who did call you and Why, oppa?”…

“Just come with me.”…Hangeng tried to pull her..

”I don’t want to, oppa.”…

“Hey!..Where are you going?”…Hangeng holds her…

“Let me go oppa..I’ll use the cr!”…

“No!..Just use it later.”…

“Oppa~..I really need to use it now, as in now!”…

Eventhough Hangeng is holding her, he just can’t stop Sungmin...The latter got annoyed with him and pretend that she’s sobbing…The elder of the two fall for it, and clever Sungmin grab her chance to get away…

Sungmin went down hurriedly, she was about to proceed in the cr when she saw Kyuhyun and the latter saw him too...Both death glared with each other again..

“Minnie let’s talk.”…Kyuhyun tried to be calm..

“Kyu, can I talk to you later?..I really n-..Sungmin was cut out..

“No!..Are you avoiding me?”…Kyuhyun raised his eyebrows..

“Of course not..I just really need to-…She was cut out again…

“Why are you with him??..Did something happen between you two?”…

“No…Why’d you think that?”…

“Do you hate me now…and you go instead with Ryeowook?”…

“I- wait!!...Why are you with Donghae anyway?..And why you didn’t tell me that you’re meeting her up?”..

“If I say so, you won’t allow me!!”…

“Oh…so you can go with Donghae unni and me, can’t with Ryeowook oppa?”…Sungmin crossed his arms…

“Don’t change the topic Sungmin…Why are you with Ryeowook?”…

“I did visit him because he’s sick.”…

“Really huh?!..I don’t believe you.”…

“He’s having a fever..I just check him out.”…

“So….did you take good care of him on the bed?”…

Sungmin knew that there’s something on what did Kyuhyun said just awhile ago…

“Having a great time with Ryeowook on bed since he’s hot right?”…

“Are you trying to say that I did sleep with Wookie oppa?!”…


“Y-you think that I’ll do that!?”…Sungmin is on verge of crying..

“Of c-…Kyuhyun was cut out by a crying Sungmin…Shit!..I made her cry.”…Kyuhyun cursed…

“Stupid!!..I did forgot to pee.”…Sungmin murmured as she run outside…


Kyumin’s Condo

Sungmin is packing all her things..All her staffs, there and everywhere, everything that she owned…She was busy tidying when Kyuhyun enter the room…

“Minnie, can we talk?”…

The latter just continue fixing her staff, not hearing a single word from her mouth..

“Minnie, I’m sorry.”…”Kyuhyun pleads…

“You don’t always believe me Kyu!”…

Kyuhyun hug her from behind and nuzzled her hair…

“Of course I do believe you…It’s just that-

“You don’t love me!.”…

“Stop talking nonsense Minnie..I love you so much.”…

Sungmin now released from the hug and about to go…Kyuhyun tried to stop her but Sungmin slap his hand away…

“Minnie, please don’t do this!”…Kyuhyun pleads again…

“I will Kyu!”…Sungmin snapped him…

Sungmin was getting the last piece of her belongings..It was a painting that she really like the most…She raised her hand and attempt to grab it…Her shirt slightly lift up and revealed her milky whit skin that so tempting and shouting “touch me”…Kyuhyun found it very enticing and hot..

“Are you trying to seduce me sexy?”..The pervert guy smirked…

“No!..I’m not!! babo!!!”…Sungmin howled and obviously annoyed..

“I think you do!”…Kyuhyun grinned…

Kyuyun hold her waist firmly and slid his hand inside of her shirt…The latter startled and trembled at the same time…Sungmin struggled and try to push the latter which she successfully did…

“Hey. Where are you going?”…

“Leave me alone and don’t get near with me!”…Sungmin run away..

“Oh…so you want me to chase you huh?!”…The guy asked smirking..

“Stop chasing me!..I’m going out of here!!”…

“You can’t Minnie…hahaha…chasing while stripping??..I like this”…Kyuhyun grin…

Kyuhyun start stripping himself as he chase Sungmin…He then now unbuckled his belt and undo the button…Sungmin is yelling at him to stop but the latter didn’t listen to her and just continue chasing her..Kyuhyun locked the door and hide the key to make it sure that Sungmin can’t get out…

“Don’t run away from me Minnie…You’re just wasting your strength.”…

“I said stop chasing me!!...and why the hell are you half naked??”…Sungmin howled…

Sungmin yelled at him again...She did turned the knob and only to find it lock..She then tried to break it but failed to do so…Kyuhyun now back hugged her and tighten the grip…The little girl struggled from those strong arms…Kyuhyun lift and bring her to their room…

“Let me go Kyu!..I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!”…Sungmin shouts to the top of her lungs…

“I’m sorry baby If I made you cry...I’m really sorry...I can’t help myself...I’m so jealous with Ryeowook.”..Kyuhyun finally released Sungmin and sob…

“Kyu, Wookie oppa is my bestfried and I treat him as an older brother…Why would you think that I sleep with him??..And what to be jealous about him?”...

“I’m sorry..It’s just that he’s perfect…Kyuhyun frown..


“He’s the perfect guy, perfect bestfriend, and perfect brother…I just envy him because he’s too close to you.”…Kyuhyun sigh..

Sungmin caressed his cheek and looked at the latter straight to his eyes…

“Kyu….For me you’re the total packaged.”

“Total packaged?”…

“Ahah..You’re the most perfect guy I’ve ever met and I have no plan to find another one...Sungmin nuzzled his hair and continue..You’re the perfect friend I’ve ever had, well excluded Wookie oppa since he’s my bestfried…And….Sungmin abruptly stop…

“And what, Minnie?”…Kyuhyun pout.

“You’re the most perfect lover for me.”…Sungmin leaned down and peck his lips…Happy now?”…Sungmin smiled at him…

“Minnie, I’m sorry if I-..

“You should Kyu..And what about you??..Why you haven’t told me that it was Donghae unni’s birthday.”…Sungmin hmmmm…

“Sorry baby…I don’t want you to stressed yourself.”..

“Stressed myself for what?”…Sungmin furrowed his eyebrows…

“With Donghae noona.”…

“No, am not!”…Sungmin hmp…

“Yes you do baby.”…Kyuhyun mocked…

“And why is that?”…

“I’m sorry to tell you this baby but…You told me one time that you envy Donghae noona cause she’s good in dancing.”…

“Did I?”

Kyuhyun just nod…”but…for me…you’re the greatest dancer of all time..Remember when you gave me a strip show?”…Kyuhyun smirk..

“Shut up!”…Sungmin blushed…

“Maybe…you can give me another one.”…Kyuhyun grin..

“Hell no, Kyu!”…Sungmin walked away..

“Hell yes, Minnie…but If you really don’t want to…I’ll strip you instead.”…hehehe…Kyuhyun grin so evilly and grab his lover from her waist and pulled the latter closer to him…”Before anything else I want you to ask something?”…

“What is it Kyu?”…

“Actually..You did find me with Donghae noona in the hotel because I was getting something with her.”…

“What?..Just tell me Kyu you make me feel so n-..

“Will you marry me baby?”…

“Uh-K-kyu?”…Sungmin stuttered…She wasn’t expecting this..

Sungmin suddenly cried but this time she’s whaling…

“Minnie, please don’t cry..Is that a rejection?”…Kyuhyun is worried and afraid at the same time…

“Yes Kyu!!..I’ll marry you!!.”…

“Really Minnie?”…Kyuhyun beamed..

Sungmin nod in happiness…

“Mind if I strip my soon to be wife now?”…Kyuhyun smirk..

“Still no Kyu! shocked me and y-..

Sungmin was cut out when Kyuhyun ravished her lips…He then nibbled her earlobe before moving down to her neck..He bit and suck it until it get bruised…Sungmin moaned and never fight back again..She’s a moaning mess as Kyuhyun touch her everywhere specifically to her weak spots that only Kyuhyun knows…His going to be wife soon is aching for his touch which Kyuhyun obliged and do his own thing…

“Kyu~..Sungmin whine…

“I’ll show you that I’m perfect too when it comes to sex Minnie..I’m your sex god.”..Kyuhyun whispered seductively and lick her lips hungrily..

“Show me Kyu…and I’ll show you how good am I in dancing to be specific in bouncing..I know you’re going to love it.”…Sungmin whispered back that Kyuhyun found it so very sexy..

“Shit!!..She’s really turning me on...I’m so hard already…”…Kyuhyun thought as images of Sungmin bouncing…

A/N: Okay..The half part of it is so different from the one that I wrote in my paper..I did add and make it long too…This wasn’t supposed to end like this…but yeah, it did…lalalalala…crap….lalalalala….so much of a failed again…sigh…Comments are loved…^_<…

drama, kyumin, romance, pg-13

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