A Letter...

Dec 21, 2006 09:36

To Whom This May Concern,
Dude(s), I just came back from a leaders' meeting for my chapter (Durham), it was there that I realized, we are down to the wire. It was then that I realized, it is time to put all drama aside, it is time to put all fears aside, it is time to step out of our comfort zones, it is time to reach out NOT only those who are faithful and actually want to give YFC a chance, but to those who are emo, those who come from broken families, those facing problems daily, those who DO NOT HAVE ONE OUNCE OF GOD in their lives, to those who have yet to know God, to those who do not believe in the existence of God, the possiblity of God, those who doubt God, those who feel as if God does no good because of all the hurt caused in the world, and not only the world, but to them. It is time to step it up, it is time to stand up for God, even if it means that you stand alone. Dude(s), it is time to act as a community and not as acquintences, it is time to set all statuses aside, it is time to realize that in order to grow, we must be followers together, we must fall as a chapter and rise as a chapter, member/houshold head/unit head/chapter head - titles mean nothing, no one leads anyone except for God, and together as a chapter we must be followers together as one. The Time has Come dude(s).
There is so much corruption in YFC today, and we should work hard to stop it, rather than working to bring youths into YFC, why not start with the people who are in it, why not help those who are in YFC, but have yet to experience the wonders of God that are given to us through YFC, we should work hard to bring the inactive members back to activation. Let's stop this corruption and try to prevent it. This is the reason why people have turned away from YFC my brother/sister. This is the reason people don't want to give it a chance, people see the corruption in YFC and that is their impression.
Dude(s), whether you are a member or a leader, God has called you to serve in YFC to make the world a better place. For the members, if your leaders don't make movements, you yourself should move, to the leaders, don't let inactive members discourage you to not work harder. This is not for the people in your chapter, or the people of the world, this is for you to show God your appreciation for everything, this is your time to Stand and show God your appreciation. Stand for what you believe and stick to it, NEVER give up, for it is failure that makes us stronger. Stand up for God and what you believe, pray to God about everything, LIFT EVERYTHING UP TO THE LORD, and things will become easier on you. Remember, God never promised for a smooth ride, but what he did promise was a smooth landing. Hallelujah?

Respectfully yours,
Your Brother-in-Christ, Marc Salvador
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