Nov 12, 2006 16:44
Lately I've been EXTREMELY hyper.
Lately I've been very happy.
Lately I haven't been drama.
Lately, school is killing me, but I'm not letting it get the best of me.
Lately, I've been... Don't Know.
All-in-All... My life is turning around for the better =D... For example, Juggling a job, school, service, family time, alone time, friends time, etc. Isn't that bad, some may be getting more attention than others, but when it comes down to it EVERYTHING is getting their piece of me (in a good way):
1)One shift a week at work is killing me money wise, but on the other hand, it gives me more time to study (can't deal with more hours right now...)
2)School is killer, but not getting me stressed =D I've found a way to not get stressed while at school or thinking of school.
3)Service, more of my household is becoming active I think, I hope, and service is amazingly fun =D.
4)Family time happens every friday - saturday (when I'm not at YFC or YFC-related tingz')
5)Alone time, on the bus, when I get home from school, etc.
6)Friends, talked to Kal, and Jail, that was exciting. Been talking to quite the lot of people lately =D Like the highschool days =D.
On another note, exactly one month from yesterday is when exams start. Exactly a month and 2 days is the day I turn 18 =S... My childhood is going away too fast =(. 3 months from the 9 is the day when I move... That's good and bad... Nah mean b?
KK This was a long enough entry. Peace OUT!