Love: the other 4 letter word

Mar 18, 2003 21:07

What in the name of love is going on?!? Love was in the air tonight as two happy LJ users - zeklar and bitter_sore were married in a cyber ceremony held today by murphyslaw.

The day after the president gave his speech encouraging Saddam to step down, zeklar stepped up - in a big way. The wedding ceremony was the result of the mega-famous contest held by marriedbylj. Millions voted, two were wed.

"After all I've been through" zeklar said. "Fuck it."

Oddly enough, bitter_sore was not available for comment. Speculation has it she was heading straight towards the honeymoon suite with zeklar bringing up the rear.

Can you think of a better day for their wedding than Live Journal's fourth birthday?
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