
May 12, 2010 06:10

Sure didn't miss it! Been awake since 3:30. Got up at 4:30 and thought, "Hey! I can catch up on LJ."

It's now 6:00 and I stumbled into a mess - yes, everyone knows what I'm talking about... amazing... and not in a good way.


What is it with people?

wtf, insomnia

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Comments 4

enigmaticblues May 12 2010, 12:49:03 UTC
Well...there are two wank-fests currently going on. Are you talking about Gabaldon, or WinCon? (That's a big WTF on both of them.)

See, this is what happens when you leave for a while. The interwebz explode. :P


married_n_mich May 12 2010, 21:56:35 UTC
WinCon... what's up with Gabaldon? Didn't see anything on that one.


enigmaticblues May 12 2010, 22:25:41 UTC
Diana Gabaldon posted a diatribe against fanfic, comparing it to selling her children into white slavery, breaking into her house, and other nasty things. You can get the gist of it here, and from the comments to the linked post. It's pretty entertaining in parts.


married_n_mich May 13 2010, 23:58:56 UTC
Oh brother... I'll check it out. Thanks for the link


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