Television Show Excitement - Catch it!

Sep 05, 2008 11:11

Where exactly does the excitement come from?  What draws us to Bones?  Or gets us excited about The Dollhouse?

Is it the shows themselves or the people attached to them?

What come first?  The chicken or the egg?

When Angel left Buffy I was okay with it because I knew he was getting his own show.  I liked David Boreanaz on his Buffy days.  I watched him on his Angel days - although I’ll admit I wasn’t a huge fan of the Angel arcs.  S4 drove me insane - insert Cordelia love here - and S5 was by far my favorite.

This zips us back to Buffy S7 and Spike.  I wasn’t upset with what happened to his character because I knew where he would end up next.

Buffy and Angel are the two shows I loved the best.  The two shows I would watch NO. MATTER.WHAT.  People knew better than to call me or talk to me when they were on television.

Oh-Noz!  Angel got canceled and it was the BEST.SEASON.EVAH!  Guh!  Knife to the heart.  By this point, total DB fan *fans self*.  But was it DB that got me or the character he play?  Our beloved Angel?  That was a tough question.  Angel/Buffy - and that silly Valentine movie - were the only places I had ever seen DB.

Hey look!  DB is being resurrected in a new FOX series!!  (Mantra:  Don’t get hopes up.  Could be bad.  Could be good and get canceled anyway) and along comes Bones and my dear, hot, sweet DB is back!!  I’ll admit Bones didn’t impress me in the beginning, and then it got better, and then - well, I won’t even mention Zach or the season four premiere, but I still have the excitement.  I’ll watch it NO.MATTER.WHAT.  I squash the ‘meh’ feelings I get on occasion because DB is part of the show and he reminds me of the glory days of television when I had both my Buffy and Angel to make me happy.

Anyone who knows me is familiar with my Faith love.  You won’t find many fanfics I’ve written that doesn’t have Faith featured.  Oh, Faith, you got Tru Calling.  Interesting concept, but the execution was a bit off.  Tru Calling kind of bugged me at first and just when it started getting better FOX canceled it.  *Waves buh-bye to Eliza and flips FOX off*.

What’s up nowadays?  Fast forward and Eliza is getting her very own Dollhouse.  Yippee!!  Does the concept sound intriguing?  Okay, yes it does.  A bit anyway.  And ooh, look!  Amy Acker is going to be in it as well.  Yeah!  *Excitement builds - and internal summersaults abound*

That got me wondering if my newfound excitement is for the show or the people that are going to be starring in it?

I’d be lying if I said anything else, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be watching the Dollhouse for the people associated with it and I’ll continue to watch Bones for the same damn reason.

All this came about after I made a comment on a post by sp23.  This is how it’s been for me since Buffy and Angel ended.   I need something that gives me my two favorite shows back to me!

Bones and The Dollhouse are just the examples I’ve used.  I know there’s a lot of Smallville love for James Marsters as well.

We just want our peoples back is a big part of it.  That’s the long and short of it.  What do you think?  Do you agree or disagree?  This I'm crazy or think I'm onto something.  Let me know!

db, amy acker, meta, david boreanez, eliza dushku, bones, buffy, angel, dollhouse, television shows

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