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Apr 02, 2006 16:37

My First Night Out

It was sweet as hell.
Tisha and Ginny picked Mason and I up.
We went to Logans again.
This time it wasnt as good,
but it was still a fun time.

Then we came back to town.
Dick and Troy came.
I went and bought a 30 pack 
and a case of Bud Light.

I felt so weird going into Kens.
And then trying to carry this beer.
The dude gave me a free cup cooler,
for my birthday, awww.

After that Dick and Troy took us to Tisha's.
Brandon, Troy Mason and Dick 
were all supposed to drink last night.
Soo we figured we would see them later.

Well then we hung out at Tishas.
Then around 11 we went out.
Mason went home to wait on Dick.

Lets see it was Me, Tisha, Chad, Ginny
then we met up with Jason Ginny's friend, 
and another friend of theirs.

We started at the Lew, and I got a Captain and Coke.
Then my old boss Mike ran into me.
Bought me another drink, 
even though I clearly said that I was about to leave.

Well then we went to the Dollar.
Yeah! ha.
It was cool.
I get another capt. and coke,
and then Ginny makes me take a shot 
of Goldensloger or something.

It was fuckin good.
After that I was pretty much drunk.
Everyone was having a good time.
Well we hang out there for a min,
then the two dudes wanna take a yagerbomb,
and so when they do that,
Ginny makes me take a shot with her again.
This time I had a red-headed slut.
OMG they are the shit.

So I was feeling pretty good.
Then just for shits and giggles, 
we went to the ShowDown.
Got a beer,
then Ginny's uncle buys me another.
I ran into my Uncles ex,
she drunk as hell and just omg!

And my brother was in there.
I felt out of place there.
Well just like the Lew because there was all the people.
That knew me from, work and things.
And family and shit.
But I still had a great time.

After the Showdown,
we are walking back to Tishas truck,
I was having a great time walking 
uptown drunk.
It was awesome.

Well then we went to the Holiday.

I ran into Kristi Sigman. 
Thats cool.
Welshimer was there. Supposably in a band with Brandon.
MMM hmmm. k

Well then I am standing in line to get something to drink,
and Tiana runs into me.

Then I see Justin.
He walks up to me and is like why are you here?
I said because I can. 
Told him Tuesday was my birthday...

And I wanted him to take a shot with me.
But he doesnt drink,
so he bought me another red headed slut,
I couldnt beleive it.

He's a great kid.
What am I talking about he's older than me,
but who cares.
Well he even gave me money to get two more shots.

So I bought Ginny one, and me one.
It was a fun ass time.
I was shitfaced now.

Then closing time was near,
so we get in Tishas truck. 
I was laughing my ass off. 
It was fuckin awesome.

♥ it.

Then I went to Dick because everyone was supposed to be drinking,
and get this one...

Troy dont even awnser his god damn phone,
nice one, glad we are friends dude.

And then Brandon was too good to hang out with us 
because he was with Joanna.
The girl he was just talking shit about us.
Im tired of shit like that.

Friends prolly not.
I guess everyones right,
things change and so do your friends.

Nice one dudes.

Anyways that didnt ruin my night,
it just sucked because I still wanted to party,
and there was no party,
just Dick and Mason fuckin around

But until next time.
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