An Accurate Account of Last Saturday's Meeting

Oct 31, 2006 10:00

My intel tells me that people are posting about it. Because I am a lemming want the truth to be said, I have decided to post about it as well.

Last Saturday, people who want to rule the world met up. I woke up late for it, but I can't be faulted for sleeping at 7AM; I planned to not sleep at all to be on time, but circumstances got in the way. Upon waking at approximately 1200 hours, I decided to calmly state this fact by texting Agent V.1 in such a manner: "I JUST WOKE UP, OMG!" This is completely paraphrased for convenience purposes. I am in no position to replicate our conversation. Nor do I have the desire to do so.

[let me completely contradict myself by writing a full account of it, now]

I arrived at our meet-up place at about 1400 hours, having used the, hmm. Let us call this means of transportation the "MRT". Being that I am unaware of this new and strange location called "Megamall", Agent Z had to be called for backup. "Just go down the escalator," she said. Very succinct.

Calmly, I surveyed the scene to locate my co-conspirators. They were situated near a very inconspicuous area--near Dunkin Donuts. I applaud their stealth. The air was tense; despite the years of communication, we have actually never met. We were not aware of each others' motives yet, so logically ("logically!"), we were very careful of each other.

"I am your Overlord," I said. This makes perfect sense to me. I am, after all, the writer of this post. In here, I am god.

"I am Agent Z," Agent Z said. I already now this. I also know Agent V.1, Agent V.2 and Agent V.3, who are not sisters at all and Agent A who looked very regal (despite the fact that she had to leave just as I arrived. The injustice of this universe! I AM NOT POUTING). Agent L looked familiar to me, and I finally realized why. We have already met in a different place and time. We nod carefully in greeting.

I looked to the other two people on our table. "And you are?" I asked.

"I am Agent R," Agent R said. I was surprised (made known to the observant by the inconspicuous widening of my eyes). Ahh, I thought. So this is Agent R. In that group, she was the person I've known longest and although I have seen her picture before, she looked different from what I remembered.

"I am Agent M," Agent M said. Her code name was familiar to me, but I have never actually spoken to her before. I nod in greeting.

"Is there not supposed to be another?" I asked. Someone else, hereby called as Agent C for retelling purposes, was supposed to meet with us.

"Yes. But she is currently detained due to certain . . . things."

My eyes narrowed. If complications arose, must my men make an appearance? Unfortunately, my arrival signalled Agent A's leaving. After which there was no pouting from me (though there might have been some "Objection!"s here or there but I have a hard time remembering; my memory is fuzzy).

"I see," I said slowly. "She'll just have to me labelled MIA during this initial introduction."

We proceeded to talk about our theories on the best way to dominate the world. I have to admit that there were times when we digressed--

[Agent Z: "I actually have Alien blood. My family is half-Protos."
Overlord: "Seriously? No way! My great-grandmother is Protos! I'm kinda alienish too!"
Agent M: "Huh. Too bad my lineage just dates back to the Elves. Can't relate."
Overlord: "That's okay. My mother's side has some Elven blood, if I recall correctly."
Agent R: "My family has youkai and ferrygirl blood. It's why I'm interested in a certain pairing."
Overlord: "OMG, me too!"
Agent L: "You have a lot of blood in your family, huh?"
Overlord: "Yeah. I'm a Mary-Sue, didn't you know? Plus, this is my account of what happened. Biased, duh."
Agent Vs: "Uhm . . . we have . . . German blood?"
Everyone: "Boring!"]

--but in the end, we were able to come to one conclusion:

"The Overlord's on a sugar rush," everyone said.

"I AM NOT! I'M JUST REALLY LIKE THIS, DARN IT!" I said with the grace a queen might possess. Dude. Like I said. Biased, much?

Later, Agent Z had to leave, which made me want to plot evilness upon her being.

I finally got to meet Agent C. The complication that made her unable to attend our initial introduction had something to do with kids. I've always been of the mind that kids start the evil in everything and I was proven right. They had . . . colored crayons! They had a crayon mascot! I did NOT find it cute. At all. The initial urge to take a picture of said crayon mascot was just the evilness of the place corrupting me. Really. I felt really jealous sad that Agent C had given in to the urge. Tsk. Tsk. What an action for one of the future leaders of the world.

My account ends here because it's late and my aunt might enter the room I'm staying at, so. Uhm. She might see my plans to dominate the world and everything. Or something. Whatever.

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For Agents M & R who requested it (or I forced it on them; whatever):

Akazukin Chacha -- Dog Foot Flu
Seravi/Dorothy. Manga scanlation. Seravi gets sick with the dog-foot flu and Dorothy laughs at him. Seriously.

Akazukin Chacha -- No Sleep Tonight
Seravi/Dorothy. Manga scanlation. Seravi and Dorothy watch a TOTALLY NOT-SCARY MOVIE. It's not like they're scared or anything since the movie is so NOT-SCARY anyway. They're adults, after all.

Harry Potter -- The Garden of Secrets
Draco/Hermione. Doujin by Office Akujo. Draco has stolen Hermione's heart! In the, uhm, most literal way possible.

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Fic recs will come when I have more time, hee. Enjoy! Aaaand! Please comment if you're taking. Since I'm OC like that and would like to be told when I'm being leeched off of. XD

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And this is the most accurate account of what happened last Saturday. Seriously. Everything written here has been the absolute truth. Just ask the others.
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