Aug 10, 2010 00:01

... but sadly, I woke up. Would've been nice, eh?

I am now 25 years of age. I have a job at the government and conning people who know little about government related... whatever into every single damned idea that comes into my mind. I have corrupted more money in a month than I got paid within my something-less-than-five years of service in this shit hole. I hate it here, but then I am hard to please when it comes to anything that requires work. I also hate the government, and any political-related thing on this wonderful-if-only-people-weren't-so-frickin'-selfish world. I would love nothing more than to laze about in this wonderful house my mother and father provided for me growing up. I would love to meet everyone and be friends with everyone no matter how frickin' impossible that is even more so because of that fucked up thing called OVERPOPULATION...


...my paranoia knows no bounds. It is an endearing trait I hold dear. Well, endearing to me, that is. Don't really care what other people might call it. Because of said paranoia, I have decided to make this journal a friends' only journal. Yeah, not because I'm holding out government related secrets to which knowledge of even the littlest, seemingly inconsequential thing can be sold for BIG CASH [which, had it been true, I'd done already, yah know?] it's because I'm selfish and cruel and sort of uninteresting and somewhat anti-social that way.

Ponder that.

That is my way of saying, "Friends Only; Comment to be added." For someone so anti-social, paranoid and whatever else I placed at the top (crap... crap.. and hmm, more crap... ), I friend back everyone who friends me.

Talk about a paradox. Fitting penname, then, don't you think?
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