I was at
Portrait Day for October’s MAAD this past Saturday (Oct 2) and churned out about 9 portraits in 4 hours. (We were given 20 minutes for each one-rather generous compared to the 15 minutes of ye olde days!) Sold 2, and it’s usually surprising to me which ones sell and which ones don’t. Sometimes the portraits I’m not happy with are bought, while others I think are SuperGeniusBrilliant join the I-can’t-believe-they-didn’t-buy-this-look-at-the-colours-and-the-likeness-I-captured pile. (It’s alright though, there are a lot of good pieces and artists.) I bring ‘em home, sometimes scan them, and add them to my pile that’s now over one inch tall. This Saturday, however, I really was happy with these 5 pieces, so I did scan them and now you see them here.
The palette I brought with me was preloaded with aereolin, alizarin crimson, di violet, indan violet, indigo, vandyke brown, ultramarine blue, yellow ochre, and you’ll see them used in varying strengths in these pieces.
October’s a special month-the likelihood is high that I’ll be painting more portraits this upcoming Saturday, this time at the
Singapore National Art Gallery open house (formerly “city hall”).
(Crossposted to my site blog at
http://www.janetchui.net/txp/blog/52/portrait-day-at-maad-october-2010 )