Gooderbadder than the Eye of Argon

Feb 18, 2010 17:08

Feel free to not read this if you're not a fan of goodbad literature: amateur fiction so laughingly bad that one has to read it as funny, otherwise your brains would melt. I'm currently lost in My Immortal ( ), a piece of Harry Potter fanfic discovered through I don't think I've ever laughed so hard on any one site. There's "controversy" that this piece of work was written in seriousness, so much so some people have parodied it, but yours truly believes it was already parodying all the bad fanfic out there.

“No!11” we screamed sadly. Snap stated loafing meanly. He took out a kamera anvilly. Then…………………… he came tords Darko!1! He took sum stones out of his poket. He put da stones around Draco and nit a candle.

“What the fuck r u doing!” I shooted arngrily. Snoop laughed meanly. He polled down his pants. I gasped- there was a Dork Mark on his you-know-wut!11!
Ach, I can't resist another excerpt:

“NOOOO PLZ!1111” Lumpkin bagged as Serious started 2 suk his blood. I laffed statistically. I tok some photons of him and Snap bing torqued.
Last one, I swear:

“So what the fuck happened 2 Snipe and Loopin?” I asked Sorious flirtily.

“I fucking tortured them.” he answered in a statistic way. “They r in Abkhazian now, lol.”

I laughed evilly.

“Where r Draco and Vampira?” I muttered.

“Dey are xcused form skool 2day.” Sodomize moaned sexily. “Rite now they are watching Da Nigtmare b4 Xmas.”
It's South Park's Vampire or Goth episode, extended! Hot Topic/"Hot Topik"/"Hot Ishoo" is mentioned every chapter. Every goff [sic] cries tears of blood and slits their wrists.

Names changed: Harry Potter is now "Vampire". Hermione is "B'loody Mary" (note the apostrophe, this author is a genius). Draco Malfoy is now, um, Dracola. Sometimes Darko.

Always mangled: Everyone's name. Everyone's. Even the protagonist's, which sometimes is "mistyped" to be the author's "real" name. During which it's capitalized.

Simple words inconsistently messed up: "The", wand", "was", "excited", "shouted", "green", "black" and "fuck".

Yet she managed to spell Alzheimer's right. Also, Tom Riddle is a character in there, then suddenly becomes Tom Bombodil [sic]. The time travel chapter which I just reached is more messed up than the second Austin Powers movie. It's utterly hilarious.

And my FAVOURITE FAVOURITE thing: the characters will suddenly use Japanese words for no effing reason. (This is my Pet Peeve #1 in non-anime fanfic. Like the bloody author wants to turn all fic characters into anime characters or otaku like themselves. STFU.)

Apologies if you already know about this one (I'm not a HP fanfic reader). If you don't though, and you like sick bad-writing funny, this is IT.

fanfic, funny

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