Thus Spake Janet on Twitter

May 03, 2009 00:06

  • My latest completed craft project. Though there's really no hope in case of a Dalek invasion. #doctorwho #dalek #
  • Testing phone tweet. #
  • "Patroitism is the last refuge of the scoundrel" jumps to mind... #
  • In the Q for existing AWARE members n still waiting to enter the hall. #awaresg #
  • Dr Thio being booed, deservedly. #awaresg #
  • She has to 'establish credentials'. Lol. #awaresg #
  • Vote's in the ballot box now. #awaresg #
  • Why shld we vote on the constitutional amendments if the exec com may b voted out? #awaresg #
  • New exco still pushing for vote on new constitution tho most here have not seen it. #awaresg #
  • I have no confidence in the AV support here, haha. Tech issues popping up. #awaresg #
  • Actions n secret emails speak louder than words, exco. #awaresg #
  • New exco supporters unfortunately have this in common: Incoherence. #awaresg #
  • Stepped out of EGM. Need food. #
  • Home. Was sad to leave #awaresg EGM (sorry, was hungry, tired and pregnant) but following it online now. @feministmentor is hilarious. #
  • @ feministmentor Sorry lah. Spirit willing, flesh weak. #
  • Puh-lease. When men speak out, they're called "assertive". When women speak out, they're called ball-busters or irrational? #awaresg #
  • @ Holten Hee! #
  • RT @costes76 gahmen tells mosques to control their extremists, shouldn't it tell the churches to do so as well? #awaresg #
  • Time to buy 4D! #
  • Exco: You kept saying you got in based on democratic voting. Democratic voting today is sending you OUT. So get out. #awaresg #
  • #awaresg for newbies and foreigners: #
  • Truth, transparency and inclusivism triumphed over bigotry today. No matter what happens next, this is heartening! #awaresg #
  • What an electrifying day. I think it will always stay one of the best days in SG in my book. So many articulate and passionate speakers. #
  • @ rosefox It's been a pleasure! #
  • @ yqwong Old guard supporters had lots to be unhappy about. Condescension from exco, long-winded answers that dodged questions raised, etc. #
  • @ yqwong The now-ousted exco took an HOUR to reveal that $90,000 had been spent. It wasn't due to interruptions. It was due to dodging. #
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