Where Art Thou, Spam?

Jun 12, 2007 15:59

I know, I know. We hates spam. But the inbox is remarkably quiet now that I put a image verification script (read: human confirmation) on my site's contact form - and now it feels like nobody likes me or wants to recommend their new Cialis or Viagra supplier.

The craft fair (Art Market) this weekend was pretty fun! It all went by kind of fast - and though most of it was sitting on my butt for 15 hours (the length of the event) I still was knackered by the end of it, taking all of Monday to recover, then all of yesterday feeling sick. :P I wonder if this means I should never do this full time.

Exchanged lots of info with my neighbouring vendors. Made contacts and learnt stuff as far as the Singaporean market for art goes. People will buy prints, but they want small prints, and cheaper. Kids love pictures with mushrooms, but alas 6-year-olds do not have a lot of buying power at craft fairs. Foreigners really are likelier buyers than anyone else, if only because they may have more experience with craft fairs and what artists need to charge for handmade goods. And horror/goth sells, especially to teens. I ruminated a lot about this... I myself was not immune at that age, but damn if I want to paint depressing stuff anymore. And there is apparently a need for computer game artists here, but I have to admit, lucrative as that may be, I can't see myself working in that happily unless it's something like SimCity/Civilization/Caesar and that genre but I probably don't have the right art skills for it. Plus RPG is all the rage nowadays. (It's almost hard now to recall the time RPG and fantasy were not mainstream. Ah, Janet, you were always ahead of your time!)

At the same Art Market was a booth from Wanton Doodles, and their generous supply of 3M post-its. They were very doodle-able. They got 5 doodles out of me over the 2 days.

Also painted 3 ACEOs while there. One below, 2 more behind the cut. No apologies for the Cupcake Monster; I put all the blame on those evil little confections.

php, art, singapore

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