Wake up!

Oct 06, 2006 10:39

It wasn't the Sharon Harris Nuclear Plant, thank god, but the air and ground water and everything in and around Apex, Cary and probably the Triangle area is going to be screwed for a while:

BREAKING: Chlorine Gas Cloud Threatens NC Suburb

(CHLORINE? CHLORINE? I know Chlorine is bad, but you're kidding me if you think that's the worst thing that's going to be released from a fire at chemical facility. The fire has even spread to a petroleum plant next door. Yum.)

jlundberg is less than 10 miles from the fire, I'm over 3,000 miles away and wound up being the one waking him with the news (I started reading about this at 4am his time) and urging to get the hell out of there before the rest of the populace wakes up. Unfortunately, he can't get a hold of his parents, who are even closer to it.

Link to map

Aurgh, the shit that happens when I'm not around! I hope everyone in the area wakes up soon, is OK, and then gets out of there!


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