(no subject)

Aug 18, 2006 10:21

Finding a lot of good stuff this morning:

From http://www.alternet.org/story/40388/ :When my son was born five years ago in Tel Aviv, the nurse complimented his good health by saying: "He'll make a good soldier." That gave me the chills. The babies he shared the nursery with will, in 13 years, be fighting the third, or fourth or fifth Lebanon war.
And Scathing Indictment of U.S. healthcare from the Commonwealth Fund - nyceve links to the story covering the percentages of different income-level Americans having trouble coping with medical costs - and they are quite substantial.

So a not-small percentage of people who are not millionaires in America are basically hobbling by. (Feel free to disagree, I don't regard the percentages in the story as small. And sadly, I don't see myself entering the income group soon where I only have a 20% chance of worrying about the cost of medical care in America.)

Our local NPR station covered medical tourism recently - and Jason responded to the story and called them, and we were contacted in return for our story. I never would have thought our medical nightmare story and our impetus for leaving the US can be the stuff worth broadcasting about (edit: I mean by most media sources' standards), but some smart people in Chapel Hill think it is. I'll talk more about that later.


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