Web design/programming thoughts

Jun 04, 2006 11:38

1. Installed ZenCart on one of my websites just to try it out. The administrative section and overall package is a lot more complicated and bloated than I thought any free online shopping package had a right to be. I installed it after seeing how some simple sites were using ZenCart effectively. Now I realize that those sites must have TRIMMED DOWN the original package considerably, because the default ZenCart shopping site comes with tons and tons of fluff links and graphics. GRRR! Honestly, would anyone need to use even 80% of the features this package comes with? How much bytespace is it now taking on my account?

2. Got an email from fantasybookspot.com soliciting artists to use the art gallery on their site. Checked it out and - have to say I really dislike websites that only offer "galleries" through their bulletin board system. Those are BB albums, not galleries. They are, pardon my language, total shit to navigate, the pages are cluttered with BB material; the clickability is never what a visitor expects, and they are just NOT the way to display or look at art. They need a real goddamn gallery script.


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