I just had to post this.
Most of you know I work in the Telecom industry. Well at work today, I went to the mailroom to pick a batch of work that I would move to my desk to ignore a bit longer, (grin) and while there I saw an envelope addressed to the attention of "Customer Care".
I thought to myself that I didn't pick that up and open it, God only knows how long it would sit there, ignored by all because it wasn't addressed to anyone in particular.
I thought it was probably a complaint, because it was a small, hand-written envelope. As I picked it up, I felt what seemed like a credit card inside the envelope. And I thought, "Yep. Someone's pissed at us and they've sent their calling card back to say they'd left us for another phone company."
Well, I was right about it being a calling card. BUT the hand-written letter with it, paraphrased, said this:
Dear Sir/Madam,
RE: Lost Calling Card
I found this card laying on the sidewalk on Christmas Day, outside the Sunnyside Medical Building. (Part of St. Joseph's Hospital) It appears to belong to someone from another city.
Would you be so kind as to return it to them?
WOW. You can bet I'm working on this!
Thank God for Good Samaritans. They really brighten your day.